Le ou la titulaire du poste assure l’évaluation, la gestion de cas, la consultation et le traitement d’une grande variété de clients (adultes, enfants et familles) souffrant de problèmes de santé mentale et de maladies mentales, avec un accent particulier sur les enfants, les jeunes et les familles. Le travailleur social ou la travailleuse sociale assure l’évaluation, le traitement continu et stabilisant, la coordination des ressources et la consultation des clients, de leurs familles et des soignants. La personne choisie travaille avec un haut degré d’autonomie et d’indépendance et collabore avec l’équipe du Centre Richmond. Les tâches comprennent :
Utiliser et appliquer une connaissance approfondie des principes de la gestion de cas, de la réhabilitation psychosociale, de la thérapie cognitive, comportementale et dialectique, de la thérapie de soutien, de la thérapie familiale et de la thérapie de groupe, et discerner les approches les mieux adaptées à la situation et à l’impression clinique;
Utiliser des connaissances approfondies dans de nombreux domaines, notamment les maladies mentales, le fonctionnement cognitif, la comorbidité médicale, la toxicomanie et le jeu, analyser et interpréter les informations afin de formuler des impressions cliniques et d’élaborer des plans de traitement;
Répondre aux appels d’urgence et aux clients qui se présentent sans rendez-vous; évaluer l’admissibilité des nouvelles recommandations, et déterminer quelles mesures d’intervention sont requises en tenant compte du niveau de risque pour les clients et/ou autrui; fournir des modalités de traitement spécifiques fondées sur des données probantes telles que l’EMDR, la TCC, la TCD, etc.;
Recueillir des informations lors d’entretiens avec le client, sa famille et d’autres professionnels concernés (médecins, partenaires communautaires, soignants, etc.), le cas échéant;
Utiliser un jugement professionnel indépendant pour analyser le problème présenté, fixer des objectifs appropriés, sélectionner des options de traitement, fournir des interventions pertinentes, faire un suivi des commentaires et ajuster le traitement, le cas échéant;
Examiner la situation émotionnelle du client, son fonctionnement quotidien, ses situations de vie passées et présentes;
Soutenir Santé mentale communautaire et toxicomanie en participant aux comités de première ligne, aux initiatives de qualité et à l’examen des services;
Fournir une orientation technique pour faire des recommandations de traitement à l’équipe interdisciplinaire et aux organismes collaborateurs tels que les Services à l’enfance et à la famille, l’équipe de bien-être scolaire, etc.;
Contribuer à l’équipe interdisciplinaire et collaborative de soins de santé par une communication efficace, une gestion efficace du temps, un travail de manière à remplir pleinement le cadre de ses fonctions et le maintien de relations professionnelles et respectueuses avec le personnel, les clients et les partenaires de soins;
Maintenir des dossiers appropriés et des enregistrements de cas dans le cadre du processus de gestion des cas conformément aux normes de documentation et aux politiques de Santé Î.-P.-É.;
Assurer la liaison et la consultation avec d’autres services de santé mentale et de toxicomanie, des médecins, des professionnels de la santé et des partenaires communautaires/organismes externes afin de promouvoir l’accès aux ressources susceptibles d’optimiser les résultats en matière de santé et/ou de coordonner les plans de traitement;
Fournir des services de counseling en libre accès;
Évaluer efficacement et précisément la personne et la situation afin de déterminer le niveau de risque potentiel;
Animer des programmes de groupe;
Accomplir d’autres tâches connexes, au besoin.
Qualités requises
Les candidats et candidates doivent :
posséder une maîtrise en travail social d’un établissement d’enseignement reconnu et avoir une expérience professionnelle postuniversitaire de plusieurs années dans un environnement lié à la santé mentale;
être actifs au sein du PEI Social Work Registration Board ou y être admissibles et, le cas échéant, être membres en règle de cet organisme;
bien maîtriser l’anglais ET le français, à l’oral et à l’écrit, étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un poste bilingue;
posséder de l’expérience dans la prestation de services de thérapie pour adultes, enfants, familles et groupes;
posséder de l’expérience du travail avec des équipes interdisciplinaires, du développement de programmes et de communautés, et de la gestion de cas;
posséder un jugement professionnel indépendant, de l’initiative, de l’autonomie et de l’adaptabilité dans le développement, l’organisation et la formulation d’informations relatives à un dossier;
faire preuve d’esprit critique, de jugement clinique et de capacité à prendre des décisions de manière indépendante afin d’élaborer, de suivre et de mettre en œuvre des plans de soins;
posséder d’excellentes aptitudes à la communication écrite et orale, à la résolution des conflits, à la gestion des situations de crise et à l’animation, le cas échéant, de séances de thérapie de groupe;
être capables de travailler efficacement en tant que membre fiable d’une équipe, de travailler de manière indépendante avec une supervision minimale et de s’adapter à un environnement changeant et évolutif;
posséder une connaissance pratique du DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders), de la Mental Health Act (loi sur la santé mentale) et de l’intervention en situation de crise dans un environnement lié à la santé mentale;
avoir un bon dossier d’assiduité au travail; obtenir une vérification du casier judiciaire et de l’aptitude à travailler auprès des personnes vulnérables satisfaisante;
avoir une formation aux modalités thérapeutiques pertinentes, y compris la thérapie fondée sur la famille, la thérapie familiale centrée sur les émotions, l’exposition avec prévention de la réponse, la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale et la thérapie comportementale dialectique;
avoir accès à un véhicule fiable.
Autres qualités :
Connaissance pratique de la Mental Health Act , de la Child Protection Act (loi sur la protection de l’enfance), et d’autres lois pertinentes, ainsi que de diverses modalités de traitement fondées sur des données probantes et des politiques de santé mentale.
Compétence en matière de gestion électronique des données, expérience des DME et de Cerner considérées comme un atout.
Expérience impliquant l’évaluation et l’exposition à des maladies mentales aiguës, chroniques et persistantes, le traitement et/ou la gestion de cas de clients souffrant de maladies mentales, le travail avec des clients d’âges et de niveaux intellectuels variés, l’exposition à des problèmes liés à la toxicomanie et l’expérience du travail dans des environnements de santé mentale variés.
Une expérience clinique connexe serait considérée comme un atout.
Avoir suivi la Formation appliquée en techniques d’intervention face au suicide (ASIST), une formation en gestion des services intégrés ou une formation en intervention non violente en situation d’urgence serait un atout.
Échelle salariale : 35,97 $ à 44,99 $ l’heure (niveau 19D)
Horaire de travail : 75 heures par deux semaines / lundi, mercredi, vendredi de 8 h à 16 h; mardi, jeudi de 10 h à 18 h / soirs et fins de semaine au besoin
Numéro du concours : 164971-1024RCTI
The Speech Language Pathologist provides professional services to support rehab care based out of the QEH which includes a) identification, diagnosis, consultation, collaboration, intensive intervention/programming, case management, education and follow-up of patients with swallowing and/or communication difficulties with possible rotation among services (inpatient/outpatient as deemed operationally necessary); b) promoting understanding of the hospital’s speech language pathology services; and c) fulfilling other related professional duties in the Physical Medicine Department.
Duties will include but not limited to:
providing direct client diagnosis and intervention services;
administering and interpreting modified barium swallow studies;
triaging and managing the care of patients in both 1:1 and groups;
participating in case conferences and/or case consultation with related professionals;
completing necessary administrative duties required for speech language pathology with an emphasis on report writing;
providing in-service presentations, workshops, etc. as requested;
participating on various committees, professional development sessions, etc;
supervising SLP students, summer students, and volunteers;
performing other duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications:
Successful completion of a Master’s degree or equivalent in Speech-Language Pathology;
Registered or eligible for registration with the College of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of Prince Edward Island (CASLPPEI).
Other Qualifications:
Recent experience administering and interpreting modified barium swallow studies.
Recent experience working with patients who have dysphagia in a hospital setting (acute care, rehab, outpatients).
Demonstrated ability to work independently as well as cooperatively and collaboratively in a team environment.
Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills.
Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
Demonstrated effective organizational, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, conflict resolution, and decision-making skills.
Proficiency in operating in a computerized environment.
Ability to develop and lead training sessions for clients and staff.
Must have access to reliable means of transportation.
Must have a good previous work and attendance record.
Additional relevant education and experience will be considered an asset.
Applicants are expected to complete the full length of this assignment unless appointed to a permanent position.
Salary Range: $38.04 to $47.61 per hour
Bi-Weekly Hours: 75 hours Bi-weekly / Days (Evenings & Weekends as Required)
Posting ID: 161287-0224QETI
Le ou la titulaire du poste assure l’évaluation, la gestion de cas, la consultation et le traitement d’une grande variété de clients (adultes, enfants et familles) souffrant de problèmes de santé mentale et de maladies mentales, avec un accent particulier sur les enfants, les jeunes et les familles. Le travailleur social ou la travailleuse sociale assure l’évaluation, le traitement continu et stabilisant, la coordination des ressources et la consultation des clients, de leurs familles et des soignants. La personne choisie travaille avec un haut degré d’autonomie et d’indépendance et collabore avec l’équipe du Centre Richmond. Les tâches comprennent :
Utiliser et appliquer une connaissance approfondie des principes de la gestion de cas, de la réhabilitation psychosociale, de la thérapie cognitive, comportementale et dialectique, de la thérapie de soutien, de la thérapie familiale et de la thérapie de groupe, et discerner les approches les mieux adaptées à la situation et à l’impression clinique;
Utiliser des connaissances approfondies dans de nombreux domaines, notamment les maladies mentales, le fonctionnement cognitif, la comorbidité médicale, la toxicomanie et le jeu, analyser et interpréter les informations afin de formuler des impressions cliniques et d’élaborer des plans de traitement;
Répondre aux appels d’urgence et aux clients qui se présentent sans rendez-vous; évaluer l’admissibilité des nouvelles recommandations, et déterminer quelles mesures d’intervention sont requises en tenant compte du niveau de risque pour les clients et/ou autrui; fournir des modalités de traitement spécifiques fondées sur des données probantes telles que l’EMDR, la TCC, la TCD, etc.;
Recueillir des informations lors d’entretiens avec le client, sa famille et d’autres professionnels concernés (médecins, partenaires communautaires, soignants, etc.), le cas échéant;
Utiliser un jugement professionnel indépendant pour analyser le problème présenté, fixer des objectifs appropriés, sélectionner des options de traitement, fournir des interventions pertinentes, faire un suivi des commentaires et ajuster le traitement, le cas échéant;
Examiner la situation émotionnelle du client, son fonctionnement quotidien, ses situations de vie passées et présentes;
Soutenir Santé mentale communautaire et toxicomanie en participant aux comités de première ligne, aux initiatives de qualité et à l’examen des services;
Fournir une orientation technique pour faire des recommandations de traitement à l’équipe interdisciplinaire et aux organismes collaborateurs tels que les Services à l’enfance et à la famille, l’équipe de bien-être scolaire, etc.;
Contribuer à l’équipe interdisciplinaire et collaborative de soins de santé par une communication efficace, une gestion efficace du temps, un travail de manière à remplir pleinement le cadre de ses fonctions et le maintien de relations professionnelles et respectueuses avec le personnel, les clients et les partenaires de soins;
Maintenir des dossiers appropriés et des enregistrements de cas dans le cadre du processus de gestion des cas conformément aux normes de documentation et aux politiques de Santé Î.-P.-É.;
Assurer la liaison et la consultation avec d’autres services de santé mentale et de toxicomanie, des médecins, des professionnels de la santé et des partenaires communautaires/organismes externes afin de promouvoir l’accès aux ressources susceptibles d’optimiser les résultats en matière de santé et/ou de coordonner les plans de traitement;
Fournir des services de counseling en libre accès;
Évaluer efficacement et précisément la personne et la situation afin de déterminer le niveau de risque potentiel;
Animer des programmes de groupe;
Accomplir d’autres tâches connexes, au besoin.
Qualités requises
Les candidats et candidates doivent :
posséder une maîtrise en travail social d’un établissement d’enseignement reconnu et avoir une expérience professionnelle postuniversitaire de plusieurs années dans un environnement lié à la santé mentale;
être actifs au sein du PEI Social Work Registration Board ou y être admissibles et, le cas échéant, être membres en règle de cet organisme;
bien maîtriser l’anglais ET le français, à l’oral et à l’écrit, étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un poste bilingue;
posséder de l’expérience dans la prestation de services de thérapie pour adultes, enfants, familles et groupes;
posséder de l’expérience du travail avec des équipes interdisciplinaires, du développement de programmes et de communautés, et de la gestion de cas;
posséder un jugement professionnel indépendant, de l’initiative, de l’autonomie et de l’adaptabilité dans le développement, l’organisation et la formulation d’informations relatives à un dossier;
faire preuve d’esprit critique, de jugement clinique et de capacité à prendre des décisions de manière indépendante afin d’élaborer, de suivre et de mettre en œuvre des plans de soins;
posséder d’excellentes aptitudes à la communication écrite et orale, à la résolution des conflits, à la gestion des situations de crise et à l’animation, le cas échéant, de séances de thérapie de groupe;
être capables de travailler efficacement en tant que membre fiable d’une équipe, de travailler de manière indépendante avec une supervision minimale et de s’adapter à un environnement changeant et évolutif;
posséder une connaissance pratique du DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders), de la Mental Health Act (loi sur la santé mentale) et de l’intervention en situation de crise dans un environnement lié à la santé mentale;
avoir un bon dossier d’assiduité au travail; obtenir une vérification du casier judiciaire et de l’aptitude à travailler auprès des personnes vulnérables satisfaisante;
avoir une formation aux modalités thérapeutiques pertinentes, y compris la thérapie fondée sur la famille, la thérapie familiale centrée sur les émotions, l’exposition avec prévention de la réponse, la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale et la thérapie comportementale dialectique;
avoir accès à un véhicule fiable.
Autres qualités :
Connaissance pratique de la Mental Health Act , de la Child Protection Act (loi sur la protection de l’enfance), et d’autres lois pertinentes, ainsi que de diverses modalités de traitement fondées sur des données probantes et des politiques de santé mentale.
Compétence en matière de gestion électronique des données, expérience des DME et de Cerner considérées comme un atout.
Expérience impliquant l’évaluation et l’exposition à des maladies mentales aiguës, chroniques et persistantes, le traitement et/ou la gestion de cas de clients souffrant de maladies mentales, le travail avec des clients d’âges et de niveaux intellectuels variés, l’exposition à des problèmes liés à la toxicomanie et l’expérience du travail dans des environnements de santé mentale variés.
Une expérience clinique connexe serait considérée comme un atout.
Avoir suivi la Formation appliquée en techniques d’intervention face au suicide (ASIST), une formation en gestion des services intégrés ou une formation en intervention non violente en situation d’urgence serait un atout.
Échelle salariale : 35,97 $ à 44,99 $ l’heure (niveau 19D)
Horaire de travail : 75 heures par deux semaines / lundi, mercredi, vendredi de 8 h à 16 h; mardi, jeudi de 10 h à 18 h / soirs et fins de semaine au besoin
Numéro du concours : 164971-1024RCTI
The Senior Linear Accelerator Service Technologist is responsible for the Radiotherapy and associated medical equipment in the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre. The Technologist performs or facilitates the repairs and preventative maintenance including spare and replacement part acquisition. The Technologist consults with Physicists, Oncologists, Radiologists, Radiation Therapists, Radiation Technicians and Management to determine levels of service and to mitigate downtime. The Technologist is involved in the equipment acquisition by developing technical and service specifications. Service contracts deemed necessary are negotiated and monitored by the Senior Linear Accelerator Service Technologist. The Technologist is involved in the design and development of systems and devices at the request of Physicist or Physicians. Job duties will include but are not limited to:
Responsible for coordination, repair and maintenance of the Radiotherapy and Imaging equipment in the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre and Diagnostic Imaging department such as CT scan and CT simulator, patient positioning lasers, MRI unit, mammography units, Rad/Fluoro Xray unit, C-Arms, Ultrasounds, etc.
Schedule and preform routine and preventative maintenance on equipment in order to maintain maximum performance, reduce maintenance costs, ensue safety of staff and patients and reduce unscheduled downtime.
Perform morning warmup and QA’s on Linear Accelerator as directed by Medical Physicist and team. This task is mandated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and standards of practice.
Maintain accurate database records related to service and repair activities and preventative maintenance inspections including time, activities, parts replacement and downtime.
Evaluate, negotiate and purchase appropriate service contracts to achieve a high level of operable time.
Maintain records related to equipment recalls and advisories as issued by Health Canada, FDA, manufacturers or other regulatory bodies.
Provide training and guidance on servicing the Linear Accelerator. Work with junior linear accelerator to ensure all required coverage is accomplished.
Provides expertise on Medical Equipment Priorities Committee and involved on all PEI Cancer Treatment Centre and Diagnostic Imaging equipment selection committees.
Evaluate and recommend on service contract purchases and negotiate purchase and monitor contracts with the view to reduce machine downtime while maintaining cost control.
Responsible for the installation and safety inspection required on newly acquired equipment. Supervise or monitor installations performed by the vendor or manufacturer to ensure appropriate codes and standards or practice are met.
Minimum Qualifications:
Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology from and accredited post-secondary institution.
Extensive Linear Accelerator Service experience.
Certified member of the Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (CET) of Prince Edward Island.
Classified as Nuclear Energy Worker by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
Radiation safety training and required annual recertification.
Manufacturer Training in Varian Medical Systems Truebeam Linear Accelerator and associated components, Basic and Advance level Radiographic Systems, CT Technical training, PACS training, Nuclear Medicine SPECT camera service training.
Basic understanding of Anatomy, Physiology and Medical terminology.
Must be able to maintain a high level of concentration and awareness.
Must have demonstratable trouble shooting and problem-solving skills.
Good communication, organizational skills and prioritizing multiple urgent situation skills.
Good computer sills including database, word, excel, communications and networking.
Access to reliable transportation
Please Note: Please ensure the application clearly demonstrates how you meet the noted qualifications as applicants will be screened based on the information provided. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Notice to all External Applicants - Health Care Workers are required to provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination as per Health PEI’s Covid-19 Immunization and Management Policy. In the event that a new hire is unable to be vaccinated as a result of a medical exemption they will be required to submit supporting documentation to Employee Health / Wellness and Safety.
Salary Range: $37.25 - $45.70 per hour
Bi-Weekly Hours: 75 hours Bi-weekly / Days (7 AM to 3 PM) / On Call Rotation
Posting ID: 162430-0524QEPI
Closing Date: Open until Filled
The Speech Language Pathologist provides professional services to support rehab care based out of the QEH which includes a) identification, diagnosis, consultation, collaboration, intensive intervention/programming, case management, education and follow-up of patients with swallowing and/or communication difficulties with possible rotation among services (inpatient/outpatient as deemed operationally necessary); b) promoting understanding of the hospital’s speech language pathology services; and c) fulfilling other related professional duties in the Physical Medicine Department.
Duties will include but not limited to:
providing direct client diagnosis and intervention services;
administering and interpreting modified barium swallow studies;
triaging and managing the care of patients in both 1:1 and groups;
participating in case conferences and/or case consultation with related professionals;
completing necessary administrative duties required for speech language pathology with an emphasis on report writing;
providing in-service presentations, workshops, etc. as requested;
participating on various committees, professional development sessions, etc;
supervising SLP students, summer students, and volunteers;
performing other duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications:
Successful completion of a Master’s degree or equivalent in Speech-Language Pathology;
Registered or eligible for registration with the College of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of Prince Edward Island (CASLPPEI).
Other Qualifications:
Recent experience administering and interpreting modified barium swallow studies.
Recent experience working with patients who have dysphagia in a hospital setting (acute care, rehab, outpatients).
Demonstrated ability to work independently as well as cooperatively and collaboratively in a team environment.
Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills.
Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
Demonstrated effective organizational, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, conflict resolution, and decision-making skills.
Proficiency in operating in a computerized environment.
Ability to develop and lead training sessions for clients and staff.
Must have access to reliable means of transportation.
Must have a good previous work and attendance record.
Additional relevant education and experience will be considered an asset.
Applicants are expected to complete the full length of this assignment unless appointed to a permanent position.
Salary Range: $38.04 to $47.61 per hour
Bi-Weekly Hours: 75 hours Bi-weekly / Days (Evenings & Weekends as Required)
Posting ID: 161287-0224QETI
The Senior Linear Accelerator Service Technologist is responsible for the Radiotherapy and associated medical equipment in the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre. The Technologist performs or facilitates the repairs and preventative maintenance including spare and replacement part acquisition. The Technologist consults with Physicists, Oncologists, Radiologists, Radiation Therapists, Radiation Technicians and Management to determine levels of service and to mitigate downtime. The Technologist is involved in the equipment acquisition by developing technical and service specifications. Service contracts deemed necessary are negotiated and monitored by the Senior Linear Accelerator Service Technologist. The Technologist is involved in the design and development of systems and devices at the request of Physicist or Physicians. Job duties will include but are not limited to:
Responsible for coordination, repair and maintenance of the Radiotherapy and Imaging equipment in the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre and Diagnostic Imaging department such as CT scan and CT simulator, patient positioning lasers, MRI unit, mammography units, Rad/Fluoro Xray unit, C-Arms, Ultrasounds, etc.
Schedule and preform routine and preventative maintenance on equipment in order to maintain maximum performance, reduce maintenance costs, ensue safety of staff and patients and reduce unscheduled downtime.
Perform morning warmup and QA’s on Linear Accelerator as directed by Medical Physicist and team. This task is mandated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and standards of practice.
Maintain accurate database records related to service and repair activities and preventative maintenance inspections including time, activities, parts replacement and downtime.
Evaluate, negotiate and purchase appropriate service contracts to achieve a high level of operable time.
Maintain records related to equipment recalls and advisories as issued by Health Canada, FDA, manufacturers or other regulatory bodies.
Provide training and guidance on servicing the Linear Accelerator. Work with junior linear accelerator to ensure all required coverage is accomplished.
Provides expertise on Medical Equipment Priorities Committee and involved on all PEI Cancer Treatment Centre and Diagnostic Imaging equipment selection committees.
Evaluate and recommend on service contract purchases and negotiate purchase and monitor contracts with the view to reduce machine downtime while maintaining cost control.
Responsible for the installation and safety inspection required on newly acquired equipment. Supervise or monitor installations performed by the vendor or manufacturer to ensure appropriate codes and standards or practice are met.
Minimum Qualifications:
Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology from and accredited post-secondary institution.
Extensive Linear Accelerator Service experience.
Certified member of the Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (CET) of Prince Edward Island.
Classified as Nuclear Energy Worker by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
Radiation safety training and required annual recertification.
Manufacturer Training in Varian Medical Systems Truebeam Linear Accelerator and associated components, Basic and Advance level Radiographic Systems, CT Technical training, PACS training, Nuclear Medicine SPECT camera service training.
Basic understanding of Anatomy, Physiology and Medical terminology.
Must be able to maintain a high level of concentration and awareness.
Must have demonstratable trouble shooting and problem-solving skills.
Good communication, organizational skills and prioritizing multiple urgent situation skills.
Good computer sills including database, word, excel, communications and networking.
Access to reliable transportation
Please Note: Please ensure the application clearly demonstrates how you meet the noted qualifications as applicants will be screened based on the information provided. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Notice to all External Applicants - Health Care Workers are required to provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination as per Health PEI’s Covid-19 Immunization and Management Policy. In the event that a new hire is unable to be vaccinated as a result of a medical exemption they will be required to submit supporting documentation to Employee Health / Wellness and Safety.
Salary Range: $37.25 - $45.70 per hour
Bi-Weekly Hours: 75 hours Bi-weekly / Days (7 AM to 3 PM) / On Call Rotation
Posting ID: 162430-0524QEPI
Closing Date: Open until Filled
To provide physiotherapy services to patients of QEH hospital services with possible rotation among service areas (eg: acute care, orthopaedics, rehabilitation, stroke services, and out-patients), promoting understanding of the hospital's physiotherapy services, participating in service planning and evaluation, as well as administrative responsibilities and other associated duties. Eligible candidates will be entitled to HealthPEI Allied Health Services Incentives of up to $10k upon successful hiring. including transition and discharge planning;
participating in quality improvement; recognizing the need for involvement of other health care professionals and making referrals/consults to bring them into circle of care;
conducting home visits and site visits;
supervising rehabilitation assistants;
training, orientating, and providing preceptorship/mentorship/teaching for various students, staff, colleagues, other health professionals;
must have successful completion of a Master’s Degree or equivalent in Physiotherapy;
must be eligible for licensing with the Prince Edward Island of College of Physiotherapists.
ability to develop and lead training sessions for clients and staff;
additional relevant education and experience will be considered an asset.
The Occupational Therapist provides occupational therapy treatment to clients at Community Hospital with possible rotation to Western Hospital and Prince County Hospital; assumes administrative responsibilities; and promotes the understanding of the occupational therapy services. The incumbent works independently and is responsible for maximizing the client's potential to function independently by using a wide range of techniques, equipment, assessment tools, etc. in a variety of community settings. Eligible candidates will be entitled to HealthPEI Allied Health Services Incentives of up to $10k upon successful hiring. conducting functional assessments to determine the need for occupational therapy;
developing, planning and implementing appropriate occupational therapy for the client;
working independently to respond to client inquiries, provide follow-up care and/or make referrals to other health care providers and community agencies;
acting as a resource person to other team members, health care providers and the community;
performing administrative functions such as updating client information files and planning and organizing work activities;
supervising, guiding, and appraising the performance of rehabilitation assistant;
determining work assignments, work rotations, and vacation schedules;
assisting in the development of provincial policies and procedures;
recording and reporting statistical and outcome measures data; Successful completion of a Master’s Degree or equivalent in Occupational Therapy.
Eligible for licensing with the Prince Edward Island College of Occupational Therapists.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in dealing with clients, families, and community organizations.
Possess a valid driver's license and have access to a reliable vehicle.
Additional relevant education and experience is an asset.
The Senior Linear Accelerator Service Technologist is responsible for the Radiotherapy and associated medical equipment in the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre. The Technologist performs or facilitates the repairs and preventative maintenance including spare and replacement part acquisition. The Technologist consults with Physicists, Oncologists, Radiologists, Radiation Therapists, Radiation Technicians and Management to determine levels of service and to mitigate downtime. The Technologist is involved in the equipment acquisition by developing technical and service specifications. Service contracts deemed necessary are negotiated and monitored by the Senior Linear Accelerator Service Technologist. The Technologist is involved in the design and development of systems and devices at the request of Physicist or Physicians. Job duties will include but are not limited to:
Responsible for coordination, repair and maintenance of the Radiotherapy and Imaging equipment in the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre and Diagnostic Imaging department such as CT scan and CT simulator, patient positioning lasers, MRI unit, mammography units, Rad/Fluoro Xray unit, C-Arms, Ultrasounds, etc.
Schedule and preform routine and preventative maintenance on equipment in order to maintain maximum performance, reduce maintenance costs, ensue safety of staff and patients and reduce unscheduled downtime.
Perform morning warmup and QA’s on Linear Accelerator as directed by Medical Physicist and team. This task is mandated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and standards of practice.
Maintain accurate database records related to service and repair activities and preventative maintenance inspections including time, activities, parts replacement and downtime.
Evaluate, negotiate and purchase appropriate service contracts to achieve a high level of operable time.
Maintain records related to equipment recalls and advisories as issued by Health Canada, FDA, manufacturers or other regulatory bodies.
Provide training and guidance on servicing the Linear Accelerator. Work with junior linear accelerator to ensure all required coverage is accomplished.
Provides expertise on Medical Equipment Priorities Committee and involved on all PEI Cancer Treatment Centre and Diagnostic Imaging equipment selection committees.
Evaluate and recommend on service contract purchases and negotiate purchase and monitor contracts with the view to reduce machine downtime while maintaining cost control.
Responsible for the installation and safety inspection required on newly acquired equipment. Supervise or monitor installations performed by the vendor or manufacturer to ensure appropriate codes and standards or practice are met.
Minimum Qualifications:
Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology from and accredited post-secondary institution.
Extensive Linear Accelerator Service experience.
Certified member of the Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (CET) of Prince Edward Island.
Classified as Nuclear Energy Worker by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
Radiation safety training and required annual recertification.
Manufacturer Training in Varian Medical Systems Truebeam Linear Accelerator and associated components, Basic and Advance level Radiographic Systems, CT Technical training, PACS training, Nuclear Medicine SPECT camera service training.
Basic understanding of Anatomy, Physiology and Medical terminology.
Must be able to maintain a high level of concentration and awareness.
Must have demonstratable trouble shooting and problem-solving skills.
Good communication, organizational skills and prioritizing multiple urgent situation skills.
Good computer sills including database, word, excel, communications and networking.
Access to reliable transportation
Please Note: Please ensure the application clearly demonstrates how you meet the noted qualifications as applicants will be screened based on the information provided. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Notice to all External Applicants - Health Care Workers are required to provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination as per Health PEI’s Covid-19 Immunization and Management Policy. In the event that a new hire is unable to be vaccinated as a result of a medical exemption they will be required to submit supporting documentation to Employee Health / Wellness and Safety.
Salary Range: $37.25 - $45.70 per hour
Bi-Weekly Hours: 75 hours Bi-weekly / Days (7 AM to 3 PM) / On Call Rotation
Posting ID: 162430-0524QEPI
Closing Date: Open until Filled
Reporting to the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Director of Workforce Recruitment is responsible and accountable to lead and provide strategic direction to a team of recruitment professionals. This role is responsible to lead the development and implementation of the workforce strategic plan, managing the overall flow of talent into and throughout the organization to support Health PEI in achieving its strategic deliverables and to meet patient care imperatives.Duties:Create and implement a multi-pronged talent acquisition strategy to attract and recruit talent across HPEI’s entire system to support HPEI in delivering excellence in safe and quality patient care.Develop effective strategies for identifying skills gaps within the workforceUnderstand the current recruitment trends and the industry/market to identify the impact upon the business.Partner with management and Human Resources to advise on recruiting tactics that will help to sustain the HPEI’s success.Ensure the hiring of diverse populations that are reflective of the patients/clients that Health PEI servesCreate an inclusive scorecard that is monitored represents KPIs across employee life cycle and implements plans to improve.Manage and deliver data and reports regularly that showcase the human capital health of HPEI.Collaborate closely with HR Analytics and Transformation Office to collect and coordinate aggregate data and translate the data into insights through data analysis that drives deliberate action plans at the appropriate levels.Develop and implement creative and innovative sourcing strategies and techniques to build a pipeline of qualified candidates.Identify and introduce selection approaches and technologies to the company(AI, assessments, etc.) to improve TA results.Empower the Workforce Recruitment Team through regular coaching and engagement practices by sharing industry trends, market intelligence, and best practices that enhance their skills and abilities.Conduct risk assessment, action planning and workforce planning alignmentBuild a high-performance Workforce Recruitment team proactive, consultative and productiveProvide leadership and direction to ensure the effective implementation and utilization of the Applicant Tracking SystemConduct regular meetings with senior executives to review strategic hiring needs, recruiting activities, and applicant pipeline development plans – adapting as required to the changing needs of the businessDevelop and nurture mutually beneficial relationships with key Government partners, such as the PSC, WALP and DHW.Develop effective relationships within the organization and the hiring community to influence and impact the recruiting process and hiring.Ensure timely and accurate management of DHW driven incentive programsModel and foster an environment of teamwork, open communication, partnership and service integrationAct as a key leader and contributor to the overall HR portfolio and Health PEI leadership teamEnsure effective overall leadership of the Workforce Recruitment teamPrepare and monitor the departmental budget, identify and manage variances and take proper steps to ensure budget complianceMinimum Qualifications:A university degree in a related field supplemented complemented with Chartered Professional in Human Resources designation; Masters’ degree would be preferred.Demonstrated equivalencies will be consideredExtensive progressive Workforce Recruitment experience in a high volume, complex union environmentExtensive leadership experience at a director levelHealthcare experience is essentialThorough understanding of recruiting methods and best practices, as well as applicable policies and employment laws and regulations.Experience designing, developing and supporting organization-wide talent acquisition programsExcellent people developer; consummate team builder, team player, leader, coachExperience in collection and utilizing data to improve processes and business decisions.Experience in all areas of sourcing such as the internet, social media, networking, employee referrals, job postings, as well as conducting open houses and virtual job fairs.Intermediate proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite or related software that includes ATS and HRIS systems; experience setting up new systems are an assetOther Qualifications:Exceptional operational leadership, management and organizational skills.Resilient, confident, persistent; courage to respectfully challenge, defend a position, when appropriateStrong analytical and critical thinking skills, comfortable analyzing and drawing conclusions from complex and multiple data sources.Change leadership skills (initiate change, plan, project-manage, overcome resistance, making change stick);Excellent interpersonal, counseling, and negotiation skills and a strong collaborator that can navigate all levels of the organizationDemonstrated ability to make sound decisions under pressure, and in ambiguous circumstances.Relocation assistance maybe available to applicants. This competition may be used to fill future job vacancies.Salary Range: $52.26 - $65.33 per hour (Level 25)Bi-Weekly Hours: 75 Hours Bi-Weekly / Mon - FriPosting ID: 164961-0924GSPE