• P

    Gestionnaire de produits  

    - Montreal

    Job DescriptionVous aimez le football et avez-vous toujours voulu travailler avec la NFL? Ce poste pourrait vous convenir. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un gestionnaire de produits intermédiaires qui se joindra à notre équipe et aidera à façonner l’avenir de notre jeu de machines à sous mobile. Vous aurez la responsabilité de favoriser le développement de fonctionnalités, d’analyser le rendement du jeu et de créer des stratégies pour optimiser l’engagement des joueurs et les revenus. Ce rôle exige un équilibre entre la pensée analytique, la résolution créative de problèmes et le leadership collaboratif pour veiller à ce que notre jeu continue de captiver les joueurs tout en atteignant les objectifs opérationnels.Ce que vous ferezStratégie et feuille de route des produits :Collaborer avec le gestionnaire principal de la production pour définir la vision, la stratégie et la feuille de route du produit pour le jeu de machines à sous mobile.Cerner les possibilités de nouvelles fonctionnalités ou d’améliorations pour mettre en place des indicateurs de rendement clés (IRC), comme le maintien en poste, l’engagement et les revenus.Établir l’ordre de priorité des fonctionnalités et des initiatives en fonction de l’impact, de la faisabilité et de l’harmonisation avec les objectifs opérationnels.Développement de fonctionnalités :Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les concepteurs de jeux, les concepteurs de l’expérience utilisateur, les artistes, les développeurs et les analystes de données pour conceptualiser et mettre en œuvre de nouvelles fonctionnalités.Veiller à ce que les fonctionnalités correspondent aux motivations des joueurs, aux tendances du marché et aux repères concurrentiels.Ajuster les fonctionnalités existantes en fonction des données recueillies afin d’optimiser l’expérience des joueurs et la monétisation.Analyse et optimisation des données :Surveiller et analyser les IRC pour évaluer le rendement des fonctionnalités.Effectuer des tests A/B et interpréter les résultats afin de prendre des décisions fondées sur des données pour améliorer le jeu.Collaboration interfonctionnelle :Servir de pont entre les équipes créatives, techniques et commerciales pour assurer l’exécution transparente des initiatives.Fournir des exigences, de la documentation et des critères d’acceptation clairs pour les nouvelles fonctionnalités et les mises à jour.Faciliter l’alignement de l’équipe en communiquant efficacement les priorités, les objectifs et les échéances.Connaissance du marché :Se tenir au courant des tendances en matière de jeux mobiles, en particulier les jeux de type casinos et machines à sous.Comparer les concurrents pour déterminer les nouvelles possibilités et les pratiques exemplaires.Ce que nous recherchonsDe deux à quatre ans d’expérience en gestion de produits, idéalement dans le domaine des jeux mobiles ou dans un secteur connexe.Solide compréhension des IRC des jeux mobiles et de leur incidence sur le comportement des joueurs et les résultats commerciaux.Compétences exceptionnelles en communication et en collaboration, et capacité de travailler efficacement au sein d’équipes diversifiées.Expérience des outils d’analyse des données (p. ex., Looker) pour évaluer le rendement des jeux et appuyer la prise de décisions.Connaissance des méthodes d’essai et d’optimisation A/B.Capacité avérée à gérer le cycle de vie des fonctionnalités, du concept à l’analyse post-lancement.Connaissance de Jira et d’outils semblables pour la planification de projet et la gestion des tâches.Passion pour les jeux mobiles, avec une solide compréhension des motivations des joueurs et de l’industrie du jeu.Motivation, minutie et capacité à s’épanouir dans un environnement dynamique où les activités se déroulent à un rythme rapide.Qualifications privilégiées :Expérience des jeux type casino/machine à sous.Expérience de l’EU/IU, des principes de conception de jeux ou de la psychologie des joueurs.Pourquoi Product Madness?En tant que membres de la famille Aristocrat, nous partageons sa mission de donner vie à la joie grâce au pouvoir du jeu, avec une équipe de calibre mondial qui crée des titres de premier plan dans le genre des jeux de casino sociaux, y compris Heart of Vegas, Lightning Link et Cashman Casino.Comptant 800 membres d’équipe répartis dans le monde entier, Product Madness a son siège social à Londres, des bureaux à Barcelone, Gdańsk, Lviv, Montréal et une équipe à distance couvrant les États-Unis, ce qui fait de nous une véritable puissance mondiale.Nous vivons selon une approche axée sur les gens. Peu importe où, quand et comment ils travaillent, les membres de notre équipe ont l’occasion de perfectionner leur carrière et de grandir à nos côtés. Nous sommes fiers de favoriser une culture d’inclusion, où nos gens sont encouragés à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes, chaque jour.Ne vous fiez toutefois pas simplement à notre parole. En 2024, nous nous sommes classés au palmarès des Global Inspiring Workplace Awards, et nous avons remporté le bronze aux Stevie Awards for Great Employers dans la catégorie de l’employeur de l’année en médias et divertissement.Alors, qu’est-ce qui vous arrête?Avantages :Flexibilité : Horaires de travail flexibles et mode hybride (2 jours / semaine au bureau)Prestations de santé : Couverture des soins de santé le premier jour de votre emploi avec des régimes concurrentiels et des soins de santé virtuels offertsBien-être : Programme d’aide aux employés (PAE) + Compte de dépenses de mieux-être (500$)Temps libre : 3 semaines + 4 jours flottants + 7 jours personnels / de maladie + arrêt de NoëlAvantages financiers : 100% correspondent jusqu’à 4% sur les REER de groupe + l’admissibilité SuperShare où pour chaque 2 actions Aristocrat Technologies (ATI) que vous achetez, jusqu’à concurrence du maximum fixé, vous recevrez 1 gratuitementFonds d’aide aux membres de l’équipe : Jusqu’à 1 000 $ par année en soutien financier si vous tombez dans des moments difficiles et avez besoin d’aide financièreIndemnité de transport quotidien (frais de transport en commun ou de stationnement)Déjeuner gratuit + happy hours au bureauAccès à LinkedIn LearningÉvénements mensuels amusants de consolidation d’équipe+ Beaucoup Plus !Attentes relatives aux déplacementsAucunÀ l’heure actuelle, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de parrainer des visas de travail pour ce poste. Les candidats doivent être autorisés à travailler à temps plein sur le lieu de l’offre d’emploi pour ce poste sans avoir besoin de parrainage de visa, actuellement ou dans le futur. Read More Read Less

  • P

    Responsable Marketing Produit  

    - Montreal

    Job DescriptionNous sommes à la recherche d’un responsable marketing produit dynamique et expérimenté qui dirigera les efforts de marketing pour notre prochain jeu lié à la NFL. Il s’agit d’une excellente occasion de se joindre à une équipe passionnée et créative et de travailler sur un produit de premier plan qui allie sport, divertissement et jeu. À titre de responsable marketing produit, tu auras la responsabilité d’élaborer et d’exécuter des stratégies de mise sur le marché, de rédiger des messages convaincants et de veiller à ce que notre jeu trouve un écho auprès des partisans de la NFL et des joueurs.

    Ce rôle concerne une application de casino social, axée sur l’offre d’une expérience de jeu captivante et de haute qualité.Ce que vous ferezStratégie de mise sur le marché : Élaborer et mettre en œuvre un plan de marketing produits complet pour la NFL, en veillant à ce qu’il soit conforme à la vision, aux caractéristiques clés et au public cible du jeu.Positionnement de la marque et messages : Rédiger des messages clairs et convaincants qui font vibrer les joueurs, les amateurs de sport et les passionnés de la NFL. Positionner le jeu comme la meilleure expérience de jeu pour les amateurs de la NFL.Collaboration interfonctionnelle dans différents fuseaux horaires : Collaborer avec les équipes des produits, de conception et de développement, la communauté, le reste des équipes croissance et responsable de l’acquisition d’utilisateurs, en veillant à ce que les efforts marketing soient alignés sur le cycle de vie et les objectifs stratégiques du jeu.Gestion de campagne : Soutenir l’exécution de campagnes de marketing multicanal (numériques, médias sociaux, partenariats avec des influenceurs, médias, etc.) qui visent à encourager l’acquisition, la mobilisation, la fidélisation et la monétisation des utilisateurs.Perspectives des consommateurs : Tirer parti des données et des renseignements sur les clients pour améliorer continuellement les stratégies de marketing, comprendre le comportement des joueurs et optimiser le cycle de vie du jeu.Marketing payant : Collaborer avec notre équipe responsable de l’acquisition d’utilisateurs très performante pour conseiller et collaborer aux activités de marketing payant, en nous assurant que nous ciblons le bon groupe d’utilisateurs, et en garantissant l’adoption réussie du jeu et le maintien de l’engagement envers le jeu.Analyse de la concurrence : Surveiller le paysage concurrentiel, en restant à l’avant-garde des tendances dans les industries du jeu et du sport, et adapter les stratégies de marketing en conséquence.Ce que nous recherchonsExpérience antérieure dans l’industrie du jeu : Au moins 3 ans d’expérience en marketing de produits dans l’industrie du jeu, avec une expérience avérée de lancements de produits et de campagnes de marketing réussis.Passion pour le sport (expérience de la NFL, un atout) : Une véritable passion pour le sport, en particulier le football de la NFL, est fortement souhaitée. La connaissance des équipes, des joueurs et des partisans de la NFL aidera à adapter les stratégies de marketing.Solides compétences analytiques : Capacité d’analyser les données et les tendances du marché pour éclairer les décisions et mesurer l’efficacité des campagnes.Pensée créative et stratégique : Équilibre entre créativité et vision stratégique pour élaborer des stratégies de marketing novatrices qui se démarquent dans un marché concurrentiel.Compétences en matière de collaboration : Capacité à travailler de manière interfonctionnelle avec diverses équipes réparties sur différents sites, notamment dans les domaines du produit, de la conception et de l’acquisition d’utilisateurs, afin de garantir l’alignement et d’encourager l’exécution.Excellente communication : Excellentes aptitudes pour la communication écrite et orale et capacité à communiquer des concepts complexes de façon claire et convaincante.Expérience en matière de marketing numérique : Connaissance des tactiques de marketing numérique, des médias sociaux, de la création de contenu et du marketing auprès des influenceurs.Pourquoi Product Madness?En tant que membres de la famille Aristocrat, nous partageons sa mission de donner vie à la joie grâce au pouvoir du jeu, avec une équipe de calibre mondial qui crée des titres de premier plan dans le genre des jeux de casino sociaux, y compris Heart of Vegas, Lightning Link et Cashman Casino.Comptant 800 membres d’équipe répartis dans le monde entier, Product Madness a son siège social à Londres, des bureaux à Barcelone, Gdańsk, Lviv, Montréal et une équipe à distance couvrant les États-Unis, ce qui fait de nous une véritable puissance mondiale.Nous vivons selon une approche axée sur les gens. Peu importe où, quand et comment ils travaillent, les membres de notre équipe ont l’occasion de perfectionner leur carrière et de grandir à nos côtés. Nous sommes fiers de favoriser une culture d’inclusion, où nos gens sont encouragés à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes, chaque jour.Ne vous fiez toutefois pas simplement à notre parole. En 2024, nous nous sommes classés au palmarès des Global Inspiring Workplace Awards, et nous avons remporté le bronze aux Stevie Awards for Great Employers dans la catégorie de l’employeur de l’année en médias et divertissement.Alors, qu’est-ce qui vous arrête?Avantages :Flexibilité : Horaires de travail flexibles et mode hybride (2 jours / semaine au bureau)Prestations de santé : Couverture des soins de santé le premier jour de votre emploi avec des régimes concurrentiels et des soins de santé virtuels offertsBien-être : Programme d’aide aux employés (PAE) + Compte de dépenses de mieux-être (500$)Temps libre : 3 semaines + 4 jours flottants + 7 jours personnels / de maladie + arrêt de NoëlAvantages financiers : 100% correspondent jusqu’à 4% sur les REER de groupe + l’admissibilité SuperShare où pour chaque 2 actions Aristocrat Technologies (ATI) que vous achetez, jusqu’à concurrence du maximum fixé, vous recevrez 1 gratuitementFonds d’aide aux membres de l’équipe : Jusqu’à 1 000 $ par année en soutien financier si vous tombez dans des moments difficiles et avez besoin d’aide financièreIndemnité de transport quotidien (frais de transport en commun ou de stationnement)Déjeuner gratuit + happy hours au bureauAccès à LinkedIn LearningÉvénements mensuels amusants de consolidation d’équipe+ Beaucoup Plus !Attentes relatives aux déplacementsJusqu’à 25 %À l’heure actuelle, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de parrainer des visas de travail pour ce poste. Les candidats doivent être autorisés à travailler à temps plein sur le lieu de l’offre d’emploi pour ce poste sans avoir besoin de parrainage de visa, actuellement ou dans le futur.
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  • P

    Product Manager  

    - Montreal

    Job DescriptionAre you a fan of football and always wanted to work with the NFL? This might be the role for you. We are seeking an Intermediate Product Manager to join our team and help shape the future of our mobile slot game. You will be responsible for driving feature development, analyzing game performance, and creating strategies to optimize player engagement and revenue. This role requires a balance of analytical thinking, creative problem-solving, and collaborative leadership to ensure our game continues to captivate players while achieving business objectives.What You'll DoProduct Strategy & Roadmap:Collaborate with the Senior Product Manager to define the product vision, strategy, and roadmap for the mobile slot game.Identify opportunities for new features or enhancements to drive key performance indicators (KPIs) such as retention, engagement, and revenue.Prioritize features and initiatives based on impact, feasibility, and alignment with business goals.Feature Development:Work closely with game designers, UX designers, artists, developers, and data analysts to conceptualize and implement new features.Ensure features align with player motivations, market trends, and competitive benchmarks.Adjust existing features based on data insights to optimize player experience and monetization.Data Analysis & Optimization:Monitor and analyze KPIs to evaluate feature performance.Conduct A/B tests and interpret results to make data-driven decisions on game improvements.Cross-Functional Collaboration:Act as a bridge between creative, technical, and business teams to ensure seamless execution of initiatives.Provide clear requirements, documentation, and acceptance criteria for new features and updates.Facilitate team alignment by communicating priorities, goals, and deadlines effectively.Market Awareness:Stay informed about trends in mobile gaming, especially within the casino/slots genre.Benchmark competitors to identify new opportunities and best practices.What We're Looking For2-4 years of experience in product management, ideally in mobile gaming or a related industry.Strong understanding of mobile gaming KPIs and their impact on player behavior and business outcomes.Exceptional communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively across diverse teams.Experience with data analysis tools (e.g., Looker) to evaluate game performance and support decision-making.Familiarity with A/B testing and optimization methodologies.Proven ability to manage the lifecycle of features from concept to post-launch analysis.Knowledge of Jira and similar tools for project planning and task management.Passion for mobile games, with a strong understanding of player motivations and the gaming industry.Self-motivated, detail-oriented, and able to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.Preferred Skills:Experience in the casino/slot game genreBackground in UI/UX, game design principles, or player psychology.Why Product Madness?As part of the Aristocrat family, we share their mission of bringing joy to life through the power of play, with a world-class team who creates top-grossing, leading titles in the social casino genre, including Heart of Vegas, Lightning Link, Cashman Casino. With 800 team members across the globe, Product Madness is headquartered in London, with offices in Barcelona, Gdańsk, Lviv, Montreal and a remote team spanning the USA, making us a truly global powerhouse.We live by our People First principle. Regardless of where, when, or how they work, our team members have opportunities to elevate their careers, and grow alongside us. We take pride in fostering an inclusive culture, where our people are encouraged to be their very best, every day.But don’t just take our word for it. In 2024, we made the Global Inspiring Workplace Awards list, and won a bronze award at the Stevies for Great Employers in the ‘Employer of the Year - Media and Entertainment’ category.So, what’s stopping you?Benefits:Flexibility: Flexible working schedules & Hybrid mode (2 days/week in office) Health Benefits: Health care coverage on your first day of employment with competitive plans and virtual Health care offered Wellbeing: Employee Assistance Program (EAP) + Wellness spending account (500$) Time Off: 3 weeks + 4 floating days + 7 personal/sick days + Christmas shutdown Financial Benefits: 100% match up to 4% on Group RRSPs + SuperShare eligibility where for every 2 Aristocrat Technologies (ATI) shares you buy, up to the set maximum, you will receive 1 for free Team Member Assistance Fund: Up to $1,000 annually in financial support if you fall on hard times and need financial assistance  Free lunch + happy hours in the office Access to LinkedIn Learning Fun monthly team building events  + Many More ! Travel ExpectationsNoneAt this time, we are unable to sponsor work visas for this position. Candidates must be authorized to work in the job posting location for this position on a full-time basis without the need for current or future visa sponsorship. Read More Read Less

  • A

    DevOps Lead  

    - Montreal

    Job DescriptionAre you passionate about driving operational excellence and cloud infrastructure for cutting-edge mobile games? Join our dynamic team as a DevOps Lead and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of mobile gaming technology. We're looking for an experienced leader to manage cloud infrastructure, streamline CI/CD pipelines, and oversee a talented team of Cloud DevOps Engineers. You will evangelise our DevOps practices & standards. The successful applicant will be a person with deep experience, highly motivated and a technical leader with a passion for automation. You have the experience to innovate and shape the future of our platforms. Our environments are highly complex, so you will need to be motivated and energised to solve complex problems. Your knowledge and experience will be crucial to lead engineers to design and develop high performing cloud-based software products applying sound engineering principles, operational discipline, and mature automation to the platform. The key to the DevOps group's success is engagement across teams, contributing to the development and operation of games and services which meet reliability targets.What You'll DoLeadership & Team ManagementLead, mentor, and grow a team of Cloud DevOps Engineers.Drive best practices for infrastructure as code, CI/CD, and DevOps workflows.Cloud Infrastructure ManagementDesign, build, and maintain scalable, secure, and reliable GCP infrastructure.Optimize cloud costs while ensuring high availability and performance.Manage Kubernetes clusters and container orchestration for game services.CI/CD Pipelines & AutomationOversee the development and optimization of CI/CD pipelines for game deployment.Automate repetitive processes to improve development velocity.Monitoring & Incident ResponseEstablish robust monitoring, logging, and alerting systems.Lead incident response efforts and post-mortem analyses to prevent recurrence.CollaborationWork closely with development, QA, and product teams to ensure seamless integration of DevOps practices.Advocate for DevOps culture and cloud-native principles across the organization.What We're Looking ForTechnical SkillsExtensive experience with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, including Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Pub/Sub, BigQuery, and more.Strong knowledge of containerization and orchestration tools, especially Kubernetes and Docker.Expertise in CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI, or similar).Proficiency in infrastructure as code tools like Terraform or Google Deployment Manager.Solid understanding of networking concepts, including VPCs, load balancers, DNS, and firewalls in cloud environments.Experience with monitoring and observability tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana, Stackdriver).Skilled in scripting and automation using Python, Bash, or similar languages.Leadership and Soft SkillsProven experience leading and mentoring DevOps teams.Strong problem-solving and troubleshooting abilities.Excellent communication skills to collaborate across technical and non-technical teams.Ability to manage multiple projects, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.Preferred QualificationsExperience in the mobile gaming industry or a high-traffic consumer-facing platform.Certifications in GCP (e.g., Google Cloud Certified – Professional Cloud Architect or Professional DevOps Engineer).Familiarity with agile methodologies and DevOps culture.Knowledge of game server management, matchmaking systems, or real-time data processing pipelines.Why Aristocrat?Aristocrat is a world leader in gaming content and technology, and a top-tier publisher of free-to-play mobile games. We deliver great performance for our B2B customers and bring joy to the lives of the millions of people who love to play our casino and mobile games. And while we focus on fun, we never forget our responsibilities. We strive to lead the way in responsible gameplay, and to lift the bar in company governance, employee wellbeing and sustainability. We’re a diverse business united by shared values and an inspiring mission to bring joy to life through the power of play.We aim to create an environment where individual differences are valued, and all employees have the opportunity to realize their potential. We welcome and encourage applications from all people regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, cultural background, disability status or LGBTQ+ identity. We offer a range of flexible working options through all.flex, our flexible hybrid work model and invite you to have a conversation with us about flexible working. EEO M/F/D/VWorld Leader in Gaming EntertainmentRobust benefits packageGlobal career opportunitiesOur ValuesAll about the PlayerTalent UnleashedCollective BrillianceGood Business Good CitizenThe US based roles may require registration with the Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) and/or other gaming jurisdictions in which we operate.Travel ExpectationsNoneAt this time, we are unable to sponsor work visas for this position. Candidates must be authorized to work in the job posting location for this position on a full-time basis without the need for current or future visa sponsorship. Read More Read Less

  • A

    Responsable DevOps  

    - Montreal

    Job DescriptionL’excellence opérationnelle et l’infrastructure infonuagique pour les jeux mobiles de pointe te passionnent? Joins notre équipe dynamique en tant que Responsable DevOps, où tu joueras un rôle essentiel dans l’avenir de la technologie des jeux mobiles. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un leader expérimenté pour gérer l’infrastructure infonuagique, rationaliser les pipelines d’intégration continue/de développement continu et superviser une équipe talentueuse d’ingénieurs DevOps infonuagique. Le candidat retenu prônera nos pratiques et nos normes de développement et d’exploitation. Cette personne possède une expérience approfondie et une motivation à toute épreuve, en plus d’être un leader technique passionné par l’automatisation. Ce poste te convient si tu as l’expérience nécessaire pour innover et façonner l’avenir de nos plateformes. Nos environnements sont très élaborés, tu dois donc être motivé et énergique pour résoudre des problèmes complexes. Tes connaissances et ton expérience seront essentielles pour guider les ingénieurs dans la conception et le développement de produits logiciels infonuagiques à haut rendement en appliquant des principes d’ingénierie solides, une discipline opérationnelle et une automatisation avancée à la plateforme. La clé du succès du groupe DevOps réside dans l’engagement des équipes, contribuant au développement et à l’exploitation de jeux et de services qui atteignent les objectifs de fiabilité.Ce que vous ferezLeadership et gestion d’équipe :Diriger, encadrer et développer une équipe d’ingénieurs DevOps infonuagique.Promouvoir les pratiques exemplaires pour les flux de travail de l’infrastructure en tant que code, de l’intégration continue/du développement continu et DevOps.Gestion de l’infrastructure infonuagique :Concevoir, construire et maintenir une infrastructure GCP évolutive, sûre et fiable.Optimiser les coûts infonuagiques tout en assurant une disponibilité et un rendement élevés.Gérer les grappes Kubernetes et l’orchestration des conteneurs pour les services de jeux.Pipelines et automatisation de l’intégration continue/du développement continu :Superviser le développement et l’optimisation des pipelines d’intégration continue/de développement continu pour le déploiement des jeux.Automatiser les processus répétitifs pour améliorer l’agilité du développement.Surveillance et intervention en cas d’incident :Établir des systèmes robustes de surveillance, de consignation et d’alerte.Diriger les efforts d’intervention en cas d’incident et les analyses rétrospectives pour éviter que l’incident ne se reproduise.Collaboration :Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les équipes du développement, de l’assurance de la qualité et des produits pour garantir une intégration fluide des pratiques de développement et d’exploitation.Promouvoir la culture du groupe DevOps et les principes d’infonuagique dans l’ensemble de l’organisation.Ce que nous recherchonsCompétences techniquesVaste expérience des services de la plateforme infonuagique de Google (GCP), y compris Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Pub/Sub, BigQuery, et plus encore.Solide connaissance des outils de conteneurisation et d’orchestration, en particulier Kubernetes et Docker.Expertise des outils d’intégration continue/de développement continu (p. ex., Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI, ou similaire).Maîtrise des outils d’infrastructure en tant que code comme Terraform ou Google Deployment Manager.Solide compréhension des concepts de réseaux, y compris les nuages privés virtuels, les équilibreurs de charge, les DNS et les pare-feu dans les environnements infonuagiques.Expérience des outils de surveillance et d’observabilité (p. ex., Prometheus, Grafana, Stackdriver).Compétences en écriture de scripts et en automatisation à l’aide de Python, de Bash ou d’autres langages de programmation similaires.Leadership et compétences généralesExpérience avérée de la gestion et de l’encadrement d’équipes DevOps.Solides capacités de résolution de problèmes et de dépannage.Excellentes compétences de communication pour collaborer au sein d’équipes techniques et non techniques.Capacité à gérer plusieurs projets, à établir l’ordre de priorité des tâches et à respecter les échéances dans un environnement au rythme rapide.Compétences privilégiéesExpérience de l’industrie des jeux mobiles ou d’une plateforme à forte fréquentation destinée aux consommateurs.Certifications GCP (p. ex., certification Google Cloud – architecte infonuagique professionnel ou ingénieur DevOps professionnel).Connaissance de la méthode agile et de la culture DevOps.Connaissance de la gestion des serveurs de jeux, des systèmes de jumelage ou des pipelines de traitement de données en temps réel.Pourquoi Aristocrat?
    Aristocrat est un chef de file mondial du contenu et des technologies de jeux, ainsi qu’un éditeur de premier plan de jeux mobiles gratuits.   Nous offrons d’excellentes performances à nos clients interentreprises et apportons de la joie à des millions de personnes qui aiment jouer à nos jeux de casino et à nos jeux mobiles. Même si nous mettons l’accent sur le plaisir, nous n’oublions jamais nos responsabilités. Nous nous efforçons de montrer l’exemple en matière de jeu responsable et d’élever les standards en matière de gouvernance d’entreprise, de bien-être des employés et de développement durable. Nous sommes une entreprise diversifiée, unie par des valeurs communes et une mission inspirante : apporter de la joie grâce au pouvoir du jeu.
    Nous voulons créer un environnement où les différences individuelles sont valorisées et où tous les employés ont l’occasion de réaliser leur plein potentiel. Nous accueillons et encourageons la candidature de toute personne, peu importe leur âge, leur sexe, leur race, leur origine ethnique, leur culture, leur handicap ou leur appartenance à la communauté LGBTQ+. Nous offrons plusieurs options de travail flexibles grâce à notre modèle hybride, et nous vous invitons à discuter avec nous des possibilités de travail flexible. Égalité d’accès à l’emploi – minorités, femmes, personnes handicapées, anciens combattants  Chef de file mondial du divertissement et des jeuxSolide ensemble d’avantages sociauxPossibilités de carrière à l’échelle mondialeNos valeursLe joueur d’abordTalent à revendreBrillance   collectiveBonnes affaires, bon citoyenLes postes basés aux États-Unis peuvent nécessiter une inscription auprès du Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) et/ou d’autres juridictions de jeu dans lesquelles nous sommes présents.Attentes relatives aux déplacementsAucunÀ l’heure actuelle, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de parrainer des visas de travail pour ce poste. Les candidats doivent être autorisés à travailler à temps plein sur le lieu de l’offre d’emploi pour ce poste sans avoir besoin de parrainage de visa, actuellement ou dans le futur.
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  • C

    Job Description161 Bay Street (93021), Canada, Toronto,Toronto, Ontario,Senior Associate, Underwriting & Valuations Strategy AnalystAbout Capital One Canada.For over 20 years, we’ve been on a mission to change banking for good and build relationships by making credit accessible, simple, intuitive and rewarding. We want to help Canadians succeed with credit, because we believe in people — in our customers, in our associates, and in talent like you! Yes, we’re a credit card company, but we’re more than that too. With your help, we’ll build the next generation of banking in Canada based on customer-focused values, compelling products and great engineering. Our Strategy & Analytics Roles are like management consulting, but better. From day one, you’ll have the opportunity to work on solving complex problems, using data-driven decision making to enhance the overall business strategy, while still maintaining work/life balance. At Capital One, we love to give our Strategy Analysts the opportunity to rotate to roles across various teams, so while this role is within the Underwriting & Valuations team, we will consider your application for multiple Strategy & Analytics teams as well as offer you the opportunity to rotate to new teams throughout your time at Capital One. This is part of our winning formula for creating great future leaders and as such, this role is well suited to high performers looking for growth opportunities.About the TeamThe Underwriting & Valuations team consists of Strategy Analysts and Data Scientists who come together to build our models and policies which lead to our underwriting outcomes.  This team collaborates with our best in class Credit Risk Management group to create robust analysis and implement credit based strategies. About the RoleIn this role, you will get deep into the data, iterating on decision scenarios until you find the outcome that best aligns with your strategy.  You will complete deep analysis and prepare robust presentations to gain approval and buy in from leadership.  This role also provides the opportunity to work with product and strategy teams to implement the changes, understand customer behaviour and continue to iterate on your implemented strategy. From a technical perspective, you’ll have access to various coding and visualization tools. You’ll work with SQL to query data, use spreadsheets and Python-based notebooks to organize it, and Slides to present it, along with other modern analytics tools, such as Tableau and Quicksight. To continue your learning, you’ll also join the Canada Analyst Development Program (CADP), which takes place over your first year with us. The program provides comprehensive foundational training not only in credit underwriting but also across various other key areas, including marketing, fraud prevention, risk management, customer lifecycle, etc. to equip you with the skills and knowledge to make meaningful contributions to cross-functional projects.  
     Your Responsibilities: You will be responsible for one of the areas of underwriting and valuations, such as new applications or credit limit increases.  You will deep dive into the performance of existing strategies, with access to a vast amount of data which you will analyze to create recommendations to determine how we extend credit.You will build the case to bring strategies to market and work with product and technology teams to implement them.  With our in-house technology, you get to see your work through to delivery in real time. As the owner of the strategy, you can then evaluate performance and continue to adjust and improve your strategy as needed.As the expert of your area, you will influence the strategic roadmap of the team and collaborate across the underwriting and valuations team to drive change.You will use technical analytical skills (such as SQL and Python) to complete the analysis.
    Basic Qualifications:2-5 years of experience, with an established history of leveraging analytical skills to effectively influence strategic decisions A bachelor’s degree or higherExperience working in a team environment, with a strong ability to collaborate effectively with othersExperience in coding (e.g. Complete SQL scripts, Python notebooks) and data visualization (e.g. Tableau, QuickSight).Preferred Qualifications:Experience in underwriting and valuations with a basic understanding of credit card or other loan based underwritingWorking at Capital One.Enjoy a hybrid work environment, with 3 days in the office. Build a comfortable workspace with our one-time, Work From Home allowance and enjoy our head office located conveniently across the street from Union Station. Live well—physically, financially and emotionally. Receive support for you and those who are most important to you, with full coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. With up to $3000 in mental health coverage and up to $5000 in tuition subsidies per year—and much more—you’ll discover that Capital One is committed to helping you live your best life. We may use your information for automated decision making. We may, for certain purposes, render a decision based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information as a part of the candidate screening process. Capital One Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We consider all qualified applicants and will meet the needs of those requiring reasonable accommodations.If you have visited our website in search of information on employment opportunities or to apply for a position, and you require an accommodation, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at ARCanada@capitalone.com. All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.For technical support or questions about Capital One's recruiting process, please send an email to Careers@capitalone.comCapital One does not provide, endorse nor guarantee and is not liable for third-party products, services, educational tools or other information available through this site.Capital One Financial is made up of several different entities. Please note that any position posted in Canada is for Capital One Canada, any position posted in the United Kingdom is for Capital One Europe and any position posted in the Philippines is for Capital One Philippines Service Corp. (COPSSC).
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    Job Description161 Bay Street (93021), Canada, Toronto,Toronto, Ontario,Manager, Underwriting & Valuations Strategy Analyst LeadManager, Underwriting & Valuations Strategy Analyst LeadAbout Capital One Canada.For over 20 years, we’ve been on a mission to change banking for good and build relationships by making credit accessible, simple, intuitive and rewarding. We want to help Canadians succeed with credit, because we believe in people — in our customers, in our associates, and in talent like you! Yes, we’re a credit card company, but we’re more than that too. With your help, we’ll build the next generation of banking in Canada based on customer-focused values, compelling products and great engineering. Our Strategy & Analytics Roles are like management consulting, but better. From day one, you’ll have the opportunity to work on solving complex problems, using data-driven decision making to enhance the overall business strategy, while still maintaining work/life balance. At Capital One, we love to give our Strategy Analyst Managers the opportunity to rotate to roles across various teams, so while this role is within the Credit Modeling team, we will consider your application for multiple Strategy & Analytics teams as well as offer you the opportunity to rotate to new teams throughout your time at Capital One. This is part of our winning formula for creating great future leaders and as such, this role is well suited to high performers looking for growth opportunities.About the TeamThe Underwriting & Valuations team consists of Strategy Analysts and Data Scientists who come together to build our models and policies which lead to our underwriting outcomes.  This team collaborates with our best in class Credit Risk Management group to create robust analysis and implement credit based strategies. About the RoleIn this role, you will be the lead analyst responsible for determining the optimal underwriting strategy for your area of the business.  You will perform complex analysis using model outputs and latest insights to determine and propose the winning strategy.  You will present your recommendation and gain buy in from leadership.  You will function as the lead analyst among a group of analysts, responsible for the teams’ most complex problems and guiding junior analysts across the team. From a technical perspective, you’ll have access to various coding and visualization tools. You’ll work with SQL to query data, use spreadsheets and Python-based notebooks to organize it, and Slides to present it, along with other modern analytics tools, such as Tableau and Quicksight. This role will eventually evolve into a people leadership role, and you will join the Capital One Leads program, which focuses on developing people leadership skills to lead high-performing teams.
     Your Responsibilities: You will be the lead analyst in one of the areas of underwriting and valuations, such as new applications or credit limit increases.  You will have oversight of the most complex pieces of analysis in the area, including completing the analysis yourself and guiding the junior analysts on the team. You will create and present the recommendations to senior leadership and gain buy-in to proceed with strategies, which you will then implement, monitor and continue to improve as you see your strategy evolve.  As the lead of your area, you will determine the strategic roadmap of the team and collaborate across the underwriting and valuations team to lead the change.You will use technical analytical skills (such as SQL and Python) to complete the analysis.
    Basic Qualifications:At least 5 years of experience, with an established history of leveraging analytical skills to effectively influence strategic decisions A bachelor’s degree or higherExperience working in a team environment, with a strong ability to collaborate effectively with othersExperience in coding (e.g. Complete SQL scripts, Python notebooks) and presenting analytical information through slides and memosPreferred Qualifications:Experience in underwriting and valuations with a basic understanding of credit card or other loan based underwritingWorking at Capital One.Enjoy a hybrid work environment, with 3 days in the office. Build a comfortable workspace with our one-time, Work From Home allowance and enjoy our head office located conveniently across the street from Union Station. Live well—physically, financially and emotionally. Receive support for you and those who are most important to you, with full coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. With up to $3000 in mental health coverage and up to $5000 in tuition subsidies per year—and much more—you’ll discover that Capital One is committed to helping you live your best life. We may use your information for automated decision making. We may, for certain purposes, render a decision based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information as a part of the candidate screening process. Capital One Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We consider all qualified applicants and will meet the needs of those requiring reasonable accommodations.If you have visited our website in search of information on employment opportunities or to apply for a position, and you require an accommodation, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at ARCanada@capitalone.com. All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.For technical support or questions about Capital One's recruiting process, please send an email to Careers@capitalone.comCapital One does not provide, endorse nor guarantee and is not liable for third-party products, services, educational tools or other information available through this site.Capital One Financial is made up of several different entities. Please note that any position posted in Canada is for Capital One Canada, any position posted in the United Kingdom is for Capital One Europe and any position posted in the Philippines is for Capital One Philippines Service Corp. (COPSSC).
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    Job Description161 Bay Street (93021), Canada, Toronto,Toronto, Ontario,Senior Associate, Product Strategy AnalystAbout Capital One CanadaFor over 20 years, we’ve been on a mission to change banking for good and build relationships by making credit accessible, simple, intuitive and rewarding. We want to help Canadians succeed with credit, because we believe in people — in our customers, in our associates, and in talent like you! Yes, we’re a credit card company, but we’re more than that too. With your help, we’ll build the next generation of banking in Canada based on customer-focused values, compelling products and great engineering. Our Strategy & Analytics Roles are like management consulting, but better. From day one, you’ll have the opportunity to work on solving complex problems, using data-driven decision making to enhance the overall business strategy, while still maintaining work/life balance. At Capital One, we love to give our Strategy Analysts the opportunity to rotate to roles across various teams, so while this role is within the Product Strategy team, we will consider your application for multiple Strategy & Analytics teams as well as offer you the opportunity to rotate to new teams throughout your time at Capital One. This is part of our winning formula for creating great future leaders and as such, this role is well suited to high performers looking for growth opportunities.About the TeamThe Product Strategy team is a very cross-functional team that brings together Strategy Analysts with experts across the business to design our customer products and strategies.  This team collaborates with our credit teams, marketing teams and product teams to analyse prospective and current customer behaviours to implement market leading product strategies. 
     About the RoleIn this role, you will dive into a wide range of data and insights to propose the next product strategy.  You’ll design product tests to find the best new product offerings. You’ll conduct market and customer research, and couple these insights with internal data modeling to propose new solutions for our customers. From a technical perspective, you’ll have access to various coding and visualization tools. You’ll work with SQL to query data, use spreadsheets and Python-based notebooks to organize it, and Slides to present it, along with other modern analytics tools, such as Tableau and Quicksight. To continue your learning, you’ll also join the Canada Analyst Development Program (CADP), which takes place over your first year with us. The program provides comprehensive foundational training not only in product strategy but also across various other key areas, including underwriting, fraud prevention, risk management, customer lifecycle, etc. to equip you with the skills and knowledge to make meaningful contributions to cross-functional projects.  Your Responsibilities: You will be responsible for one of the products, diving deep into current performance, analysing marketing insights and proposing the strategies to continue to grow the product. You will build the case to bring strategies to market and work with product and technology teams to implement them.  With our in-house technology, you get to see your work through to delivery in real time. As the owner of the strategy, you can then evaluate performance and continue to adjust and improve your strategy as needed.As the expert of your area, you will influence the strategic roadmap of the team and collaborate across the product strategy team to drive change to our customer experiences.You will use technical analytical skills (such as SQL and Python) to complete the analysis - don’t worry if you don’t know this now, we will help you learn.
    Basic Qualifications:2-5 years of experience, with an established history of leveraging analytical skills to effectively influence strategic decisions  A bachelor’s degree or higherExperience working in a team environment, with a strong ability to collaborate effectively with others
    Preferred Qualifications:Experience in product strategy or digital marketing with a basic understanding of credit card or other loan based underwritingExperience in coding (e.g. Complete SQL scripts, Python notebooks) and data visualization (e.g. Tableau, QuickSight). If you know how to build models or write code, that’s awesome. If not, we will help you learn it.Working at Capital OneEnjoy a hybrid work environment, with 3 days in the office. Build a comfortable workspace with our one-time, Work From Home allowance and enjoy our head office located conveniently across the street from Union Station. Live well—physically, financially and emotionally. Receive support for you and those who are most important to you, with full coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. With up to $3000 in mental health coverage and up to $5000 in tuition subsidies per year—and much more—you’ll discover that Capital One is committed to helping you live your best life. We may use your information for automated decision making. We may, for certain purposes, render a decision based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information as a part of the candidate screening process. Capital One Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We consider all qualified applicants and will meet the needs of those requiring reasonable accommodations.If you have visited our website in search of information on employment opportunities or to apply for a position, and you require an accommodation, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at ARCanada@capitalone.com. All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.For technical support or questions about Capital One's recruiting process, please send an email to Careers@capitalone.comCapital One does not provide, endorse nor guarantee and is not liable for third-party products, services, educational tools or other information available through this site.Capital One Financial is made up of several different entities. Please note that any position posted in Canada is for Capital One Canada, any position posted in the United Kingdom is for Capital One Europe and any position posted in the Philippines is for Capital One Philippines Service Corp. (COPSSC).
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    Job Description161 Bay Street (93021), Canada, Toronto,Toronto, Ontario,Senior Associate, Fraud Strategy AnalystAbout Capital One Canada.For over 20 years, we’ve been on a mission to change banking for good and build relationships by making credit accessible, simple, intuitive and rewarding. We want to help Canadians succeed with credit, because we believe in people — in our customers, in our associates, and in talent like you! Yes, we’re a credit card company, but we’re more than that too. With your help, we’ll build the next generation of banking in Canada based on customer-focused values, compelling products and great engineering. Our Strategy & Analytics Roles are like management consulting, but better. From day one, you’ll have the opportunity to work on solving complex problems, using data-driven decision making to enhance the overall business strategy, while still maintaining work/life balance. At Capital One, we love to give our Strategy Analysts the opportunity to rotate to roles across various teams, so while this role is within the Fraud team, we will consider your application for multiple Strategy & Analytics teams as well as offer you the opportunity to rotate to new teams throughout your time at Capital One. This is part of our winning formula for creating great future leaders and as such, this role is well suited to high performers looking for growth opportunities.About the TeamThe Fraud team consists of Strategy Analysts, Data Scientists, Process Managers and Product Managers who come together to prevent and detect fraud. We leverage in-house and/or third-party vendor models, data insights and home-grown technology solutions to protect our customers from fraud and deliver reassuring customer experiences when fraud does happen. About the RoleIn this role, you will develop defenses and policies to mitigate fraud losses while balancing the impact on the customer experience and lifecycle journey. You will perform deep dives into data, investigate emerging fraud trends, and implement strategies to prevent fraudulent behavior. Additionally, this role provides the opportunity to work on and lead diverse projects, including new product launches, feature enhancements, and authentication tool rollouts, all while contributing to a safe and secure experience for our customers. From a technical perspective, you’ll have access to various coding and visualization tools. You’ll work with SQL to query data, use spreadsheets and Python-based notebooks to organize it, and Slides to present it, along with other modern analytics tools, such as Tableau and Quicksight. To continue your learning, you’ll also join the Canada Analyst Development Program (CADP), which takes place over your first year with us. The program provides comprehensive foundational training not only in fraud prevention but also across various other key areas, including marketing, credit underwriting, risk management, customer lifecycle, etc. to equip you with the skills and knowledge to make meaningful contributions to cross-functional projects.  Your Responsibilities: You will be responsible for one of the areas of credit card fraud, such as transaction fraud or fraud applications.  You will deep dive into the performance of existing strategies, with access to a vast amount of data which you will analyze to create recommendations to identify and stop emerging fraud trends.You will build the case to bring strategies to market and work with product and technology teams to implement them.  With our in-house technology, you get to see your work through to delivery in real time. As the owner of the strategy, you can then evaluate performance and continue to adjust and improve your strategy as needed.As the expert of your area, you will influence the strategic roadmap of the team and collaborate across the fraud team to drive change to our overall fraud experiences.You will use technical analytical skills (such as SQL and Python) to complete the analysis - don’t worry if you don’t know this now, we will help you learn.
    Basic Qualifications:2-5 years of experience, with an established history of leveraging analytical skills to effectively influence strategic decisions  A bachelor’s degree or higherExperience working in a team environment, with a strong ability to collaborate effectively with others
    Preferred Qualifications:Experience in fraud strategy analytics with a basic understanding of credit card or other financial fraudExperience in coding (e.g. Complete SQL scripts, Python notebooks) and data visualization (e.g. Tableau, QuickSight). If you know how to build models or write code, that’s awesome. If not, we will help you learn it.Working at Capital One.Enjoy a hybrid work environment, with 3 days in the office. Build a comfortable workspace with our one-time, Work From Home allowance and enjoy our head office located conveniently across the street from Union Station. Live well—physically, financially and emotionally. Receive support for you and those who are most important to you, with full coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. With up to $3000 in mental health coverage and up to $5000 in tuition subsidies per year—and much more—you’ll discover that Capital One is committed to helping you live your best life. We may use your information for automated decision making. We may, for certain purposes, render a decision based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information as a part of the candidate screening process. Capital One Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We consider all qualified applicants and will meet the needs of those requiring reasonable accommodations.If you have visited our website in search of information on employment opportunities or to apply for a position, and you require an accommodation, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at ARCanada@capitalone.com. All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.For technical support or questions about Capital One's recruiting process, please send an email to Careers@capitalone.comCapital One does not provide, endorse nor guarantee and is not liable for third-party products, services, educational tools or other information available through this site.Capital One Financial is made up of several different entities. Please note that any position posted in Canada is for Capital One Canada, any position posted in the United Kingdom is for Capital One Europe and any position posted in the Philippines is for Capital One Philippines Service Corp. (COPSSC).
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  • V

    Remote College Statistics Tutor  

    - Not Specified

    Remote College Statistics Tutor The Varsity Tutors platform has thousands of students looking for online College Statistics tutors nationally. As a tutor who uses the Varsity Tutors platform, you can earn good money, choose your own hours, and truly make a difference in the lives of your students. Why join our platform? Enjoy competitive rates and get paid 2x per week. Choose to tutor as much or as little as you want. Set your own hours and schedule. Get paired with students best-suited to your teaching style and preferences (from thousands of potential clients). Tutor online (i.e. work remotely ) using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform. Students can take adaptive assessments through the platform and share results to help you decide where to focus. We collect payment from the customers, so all you have to do is invoice the session. What we look for in a tutor: You have excellent communication skills and a friendly, approachable personality. You can show subject-matter expertise in College Statistics. You have the ability to personalize lessons for each student. Discover all the ways you can reach students through the online platform: 1-on-1 Online Tutoring: connect with an individual student for a highly personalized learning experience. Small Group Classes: meet with small groups (typically 7-9 students) for a more collaborative learning experience. Large Live Classes: share your knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. Instant Tutoring: accept subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you d like. About Varsity Tutors and 1-on-1 Online Tutoring Our mission is to transform the way people learn. We do this by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. With 1-on-1 Online Tutoring, individual students are connected with tutors for a highly personalized learning experience. We believe our thoughtful approach to matching students with the right tutors can improve outcomes, and we look forward to connecting you with students hungry to learn. Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico. Read More Read Less

  • V

    Remote College Statistics Tutor  

    - Not Specified

    Remote College Statistics Tutor The Varsity Tutors platform has thousands of students looking for online College Statistics tutors nationally. As a tutor who uses the Varsity Tutors platform, you can earn good money, choose your own hours, and truly make a difference in the lives of your students. Why join our platform? Enjoy competitive rates and get paid 2x per week. Choose to tutor as much or as little as you want. Set your own hours and schedule. Get paired with students best-suited to your teaching style and preferences (from thousands of potential clients). Tutor online (i.e. work remotely ) using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform. Students can take adaptive assessments through the platform and share results to help you decide where to focus. We collect payment from the customers, so all you have to do is invoice the session. What we look for in a tutor: You have excellent communication skills and a friendly, approachable personality. You can show subject-matter expertise in College Statistics. You have the ability to personalize lessons for each student. Discover all the ways you can reach students through the online platform: 1-on-1 Online Tutoring: connect with an individual student for a highly personalized learning experience. Small Group Classes: meet with small groups (typically 7-9 students) for a more collaborative learning experience. Large Live Classes: share your knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. Instant Tutoring: accept subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you d like. About Varsity Tutors and 1-on-1 Online Tutoring Our mission is to transform the way people learn. We do this by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. With 1-on-1 Online Tutoring, individual students are connected with tutors for a highly personalized learning experience. We believe our thoughtful approach to matching students with the right tutors can improve outcomes, and we look forward to connecting you with students hungry to learn. Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico. Read More Read Less

  • V

    Remote College Statistics Tutor  

    - Not Specified

    Remote College Statistics Tutor The Varsity Tutors platform has thousands of students looking for online College Statistics tutors nationally. As a tutor who uses the Varsity Tutors platform, you can earn good money, choose your own hours, and truly make a difference in the lives of your students. Why join our platform? Enjoy competitive rates and get paid 2x per week. Choose to tutor as much or as little as you want. Set your own hours and schedule. Get paired with students best-suited to your teaching style and preferences (from thousands of potential clients). Tutor online (i.e. work remotely ) using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform. Students can take adaptive assessments through the platform and share results to help you decide where to focus. We collect payment from the customers, so all you have to do is invoice the session. What we look for in a tutor: You have excellent communication skills and a friendly, approachable personality. You can show subject-matter expertise in College Statistics. You have the ability to personalize lessons for each student. Discover all the ways you can reach students through the online platform: 1-on-1 Online Tutoring: connect with an individual student for a highly personalized learning experience. Small Group Classes: meet with small groups (typically 7-9 students) for a more collaborative learning experience. Large Live Classes: share your knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. Instant Tutoring: accept subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you d like. About Varsity Tutors and 1-on-1 Online Tutoring Our mission is to transform the way people learn. We do this by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. With 1-on-1 Online Tutoring, individual students are connected with tutors for a highly personalized learning experience. We believe our thoughtful approach to matching students with the right tutors can improve outcomes, and we look forward to connecting you with students hungry to learn. Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico. Read More Read Less

  • V

    Remote College Physics Tutor  

    - Not Specified

    Remote College Physics Tutor The Varsity Tutors platform has thousands of students looking for online College Physics tutors nationally. As a tutor who uses the Varsity Tutors platform, you can earn good money, choose your own hours, and truly make a difference in the lives of your students. Why join our platform? Enjoy competitive rates and get paid 2x per week. Choose to tutor as much or as little as you want. Set your own hours and schedule. Get paired with students best-suited to your teaching style and preferences (from thousands of potential clients). Tutor online (i.e. work remotely ) using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform. Students can take adaptive assessments through the platform and share results to help you decide where to focus. We collect payment from the customers, so all you have to do is invoice the session. What we look for in a tutor: You have excellent communication skills and a friendly, approachable personality. You can show subject-matter expertise in College Physics. You have the ability to personalize lessons for each student. Discover all the ways you can reach students through the online platform: 1-on-1 Online Tutoring: connect with an individual student for a highly personalized learning experience. Small Group Classes: meet with small groups (typically 7-9 students) for a more collaborative learning experience. Large Live Classes: share your knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. Instant Tutoring: accept subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you d like. About Varsity Tutors and 1-on-1 Online Tutoring Our mission is to transform the way people learn. We do this by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. With 1-on-1 Online Tutoring, individual students are connected with tutors for a highly personalized learning experience. We believe our thoughtful approach to matching students with the right tutors can improve outcomes, and we look forward to connecting you with students hungry to learn. Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico. Read More Read Less

  • V

    Remote College Physics Tutor  

    - Not Specified

    Remote College Physics Tutor The Varsity Tutors platform has thousands of students looking for online College Physics tutors nationally. As a tutor who uses the Varsity Tutors platform, you can earn good money, choose your own hours, and truly make a difference in the lives of your students. Why join our platform? Enjoy competitive rates and get paid 2x per week. Choose to tutor as much or as little as you want. Set your own hours and schedule. Get paired with students best-suited to your teaching style and preferences (from thousands of potential clients). Tutor online (i.e. work remotely ) using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform. Students can take adaptive assessments through the platform and share results to help you decide where to focus. We collect payment from the customers, so all you have to do is invoice the session. What we look for in a tutor: You have excellent communication skills and a friendly, approachable personality. You can show subject-matter expertise in College Physics. You have the ability to personalize lessons for each student. Discover all the ways you can reach students through the online platform: 1-on-1 Online Tutoring: connect with an individual student for a highly personalized learning experience. Small Group Classes: meet with small groups (typically 7-9 students) for a more collaborative learning experience. Large Live Classes: share your knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. Instant Tutoring: accept subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you d like. About Varsity Tutors and 1-on-1 Online Tutoring Our mission is to transform the way people learn. We do this by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. With 1-on-1 Online Tutoring, individual students are connected with tutors for a highly personalized learning experience. We believe our thoughtful approach to matching students with the right tutors can improve outcomes, and we look forward to connecting you with students hungry to learn. Please note: Varsity Tutors does not contract in: Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia or Puerto Rico. Read More Read Less

  • V

    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. As part of our Innovation and Technology Group, your work will help deliver industry-leading travel technology to transform the passenger experience. From strategic planning to project execution, the work you do matters and will help improve our processes to make our airport work better for our communities. Position overview We have a full-time opportunity for an innovative Senior Technical Analyst - Data Warehouse Developer . This role will be part of the Advanced Analytics team, seeking a skilled Data Warehouse Developer with expertise in Azure Databricks technologies. If you are passionate about data, enjoy hands-on experience in data modelling, and have a successful track record of migrating from on-premises data warehouses to the cloud, we want to hear from you. Key responsibilities include: Lead the design and development of scalable and efficient data warehouse solutions using Azure Databricks as well as utilize hands-on experience in data modelling to create robust and optimized data structures. Develop technology roadmaps to ensure product stay aligned to the advancing enterprise architecture and business requirements. Work with stakeholders to understand data requirements and translate them into effective data warehouse solutions (communicating complex technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences). Prepare comprehensive technical documentation for data warehouse solutions. Identify and gather technical specifications and requirements for all systems, as assigned, for support, maintenance, and projects. Review the effectiveness of the systems in consultation with others and makes recommendations on potential enhancements. Key qualifications include: Minimum bachelor's degree in computer science, or equivalent, or comparable education with minimum 10 years' post degree experience working with data warehouse and developing business intelligence solutions. Knowledge and expertise with virtual server platforms, storage devices, cloud computing, relational databases and Data and Analytics. Good experience with data prep, data integration (ETL), data modelling, along with proficiency in working with Azure Databricks, experience with SQL and Python Experience in project, vendor and relationship management including mentoring junior resources. Excellent English verbal and written communication skills, including ability to communicate at all levels of the organization, from end users to senior leaders. Expert level knowledge of technologies underlying assigned systems as well as expert level of critical thinking, analytical skills and troubleshooting capability. This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position. As part of our recruitment process, short-listed candidates may be required to participate in an assessment process.
    Salary Range : $99,945 to $130,621 per annum, based on 37.5-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications, and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    Senior Business Lead  

    - Vancouver

    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Passenger Commercial is an integral part of non-aeronautical revenue for the airport which sustains essential operations and supports the community that lives and works on Sea Island. Position overview Are you a detail-oriented, analytically minded individual, skilled at making data-driven business decisions in a fast-paced, dynamic environment? We have a permanent, full-time opportunity for a Senior Business Lead in the Passenger Commercial Department. Reporting to the Manager, Commercial Services, the successful candidate will develop and manage the airport's business relationships with respect to retail and service tenant agreements, specifically, our duty free, retail, food & beverage partners and other partnership vendors. Furthermore, with a goal to assess, develop, report and implement initiatives and programs to support the commercial program and to grow non-aeronautical revenue. Key responsibilities include: Build business cases and conduct financial analysis to support business decision around lease management, terms negotiation and new concept planning. Analyse and review business performance to identify opportunities and trends in the portfolio (this includes preparation and presentation of business cases, commercial lease analyses, RFP preparation & evaluation and ad-hoc reports as needed), and use of benchmarking reports and BI tools. Identify and support implementation of any business opportunities that may improve passenger experience in the terminal and maximize sales for the portfolio. Collaborate and participate with partners to develop strategic yearly plans and, on an as needed basis, to identify opportunities for increasing sales, promotional activities and maintaining a high level of service offering aligned with the Commercial Strategy of YVR. Identify areas of improvement in the portfolio and troubleshoot solutions for the implementation of higher performance standards, (e.g., implementing Quality of Service standards and then measuring and reporting them). Work closely with internal YVR departments to align and champion major solutions for issues that arise from the partners' operation and their needs. Keep up to date with industry trends in duty free, retail, food & beverage, hospitality and advertising and work with business partners to implement applicable improvements in their programs. Key qualifications include: Minimum five years of recent, related experience, supplemented by Bachelor's degree in Business, Management, Procurement or Financial Management; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Demonstrated sales, business development and negotiation experience, from conception of an idea or opportunity to delivery. Proven ability to problem-solve and use sound judgment in decision making, with the ability to negotiate with different stakeholders, internally and externally. Client relations experience, preferably in a commercial environment, with strong negotiation skills and able to work independently in a fast-paced environment. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills, and solid problem-solving skills. Exceptional Microsoft Excel knowledge and computer related skills, including word processing, spreadsheet and project scheduling. This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position. Salary Range : $90,039 to $117,674 per annum, based on a 37.5-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Baggage Operations is an integral part of providing the safe, reliable and predictable delivery of every passenger's bag, every time. Position overview Reporting to the Manager, Baggage Systems, the Baggage Systems Technician - Electrical will repair, maintain and provide condition assessment for all electrical assets utilized in the Airport Authority's baggage systems. Key responsibilities include: Respond to, troubleshoot and rectify all trouble calls in the baggage system that have been escalated by the Integrated Operations Centre for technical response Work with planning and/or controls teams to carry out complex or time intensive repairs when they cannot be completed as a trouble call Devise, recommend and implement workarounds to baggage delivery within the system when there is downtime due to corrective maintenance Carry out technical work, as prescribed in job plans, and where appropriate or necessary, advise on and update plans Inspect, assess and report on the mechanical and electrical condition of infrastructure Key qualifications include: Minimum two years' experience in environments involving mechanical and electrical equipment, supplemented by accreditation with a Red Seal Endorsement or a BC Trade Qualification as an Electrician Excellent communication skills including report writing Ability to work well in a team environment, as well as independently with minimal supervision Proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, and solid computer skills Demonstrated ability to read and interpret complex baggage layouts and drawing schematics Valid driver's license This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position.
    Salary Range : $78,654 to $102,802 per annum, based on a 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Baggage Operations is an integral part of providing the safe, reliable and predictable delivery of every passenger's bag, every time. Position overview Reporting to the Manager, Baggage Systems, the Baggage Systems Technician - Electrical will repair, maintain and provide condition assessment for all electrical assets utilized in the Airport Authority's baggage systems. Key responsibilities include: Respond to, troubleshoot and rectify all trouble calls in the baggage system that have been escalated by the Integrated Operations Centre for technical response Work with planning and/or controls teams to carry out complex or time intensive repairs when they cannot be completed as a trouble call Devise, recommend and implement workarounds to baggage delivery within the system when there is downtime due to corrective maintenance Carry out technical work, as prescribed in job plans, and where appropriate or necessary, advise on and update plans Inspect, assess and report on the mechanical and electrical condition of infrastructure Key qualifications include: Minimum two years' experience in environments involving mechanical and electrical equipment, supplemented by accreditation with a Red Seal Endorsement or a BC Trade Qualification as an Electrician Excellent communication skills including report writing Ability to work well in a team environment, as well as independently with minimal supervision Proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, and solid computer skills Demonstrated ability to read and interpret complex baggage layouts and drawing schematics Valid driver's license This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position.
    Salary Range : $78,654 to $102,802 per annum, based on a 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. The Airport Development & Asset Optimization Team serves an integral part of this mission, being responsible for the oversight, performance, and value-maximization of YVR's diverse assets. Position Overview Are you a seasoned operational leader with a commitment to driving customer value via excellence and innovation? YVR invites you to shape our future as a key member of our senior leadership team. Here you will play a crucial role in shaping our values-driven culture of innovation, diversity, equity, reconciliation, and accountability. You will collaborate closely with peers in Asset Management, Environment, IT, Operations and Project Delivery, driving the progress of several ambitious goals, including achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030. Supported by the Executive Team, you'll contribute to our strategic objectives, enhancing our commitment to serving both the community and the economy that supports it. We seek a Director, Maintenance & Facilities Optimization to lead the management and performance of YVR's notable $4B+ in assets-including buildings and facilities, mechanical plant, high voltage electrical supply and distribution, airfield electrical and control system, passenger boarding bridges, fleet, groundside infrastructure and utilities. With a customer-first mentality, this role is responsible to deliver on infrastructure performance with an emphasis on maximizing the value of all assets, meeting service levels in a dynamic 24/7 operating environment and leveraging data and technology to optimize systems and reduce enterprise risk and climate related impacts. Key responsibilities include: Lead and manage the Maintenance & Facilities Optimization team, accountable for the management of assets and facilities in a complex, 24/7 operating environment Strengthen foundational maintenance practices to meet agreed upon service levels for the performance of assets, infrastructure and systems Identify, develop, monitor and report key performance indicators Champion the development and use of data and technology to drive insights, predictive analytics and data driven decisions Lead business improvements in the enterprise CMMS (Maximo) Establish standards and preventative maintenance programs to ensure maximum value, reliability, performance of assets and systems, and optimized total cost of ownership Develop and refine asset management plans and provide leadership and support to the enterprise integrated asset management program Champion the development of an energy management program to reduce the impacts from facility operations Maintain currency in maintenance, facilities management, asset management, energy management planning and construction practices Provide support and direction to the team - monitoring work efforts and performance, hiring, coaching, motivating and supporting developmental activities, conducting formal evaluations, applying appropriate disciplinary measures fostering and fostering a continuous-improvement culture Key qualifications include: Post-secondary degree in engineering with a Professional Engineering designation. A degree in project management, business and/or a related field may also be considered. 10 years of recent, related experience in maintenance, facilities management, asset management and/or energy management in a complex operational environment At least 5 years of people-management experience with an emphasis on building, coaching, mentoring and leading high performing, multi-layered teams. Certification(s) in facilities management, asset management, energy management or an MBA / PMP would be considered assets Proven ability to lead optimization and an asset management approach, maximizing the long term value of assets and infrastructure Solid understanding of Maintenance, Facilities Management and Asset Management enterprise systems including Maximo Demonstrated experience in business case development, as well as financial acumen, and detailed engineering, maintenance and operations knowledge Possesses a proven record of working collaboratively with stakeholders and customers to achieve objectives; champions best practices, quality management and long-term sustainability Influential leadership capabilities with emphasis on accountability, empowering others, connecting people, values aligned decision-making and fostering a motivating and respectful environment that champions diversity Demonstrated experience in leading transformational change in an organization Experience in a unionized environment is as asset This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position. As part of our recruitment process, short-listed candidates may be required to participate in an assessment process. Salary Range : $138,880 to $208,320 per annum, based on 37.5-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications, and internal equity. Performance-Based Incentive: Eligible for an annual bonus target at 20% of your annual salary.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Baggage Operations is an integral part of providing the safe, reliable and predictable delivery of every passenger's bag, every time. Position overview Reporting to the Manager, Baggage Systems, the Baggage Systems Technician - Electrical will repair, maintain and provide condition assessment for all electrical assets utilized in the Airport Authority's baggage systems. Key responsibilities include: Respond to, troubleshoot and rectify all trouble calls in the baggage system that have been escalated by the Integrated Operations Centre for technical response Work with planning and/or controls teams to carry out complex or time intensive repairs when they cannot be completed as a trouble call Devise, recommend and implement workarounds to baggage delivery within the system when there is downtime due to corrective maintenance Carry out technical work, as prescribed in job plans, and where appropriate or necessary, advise on and update plans Inspect, assess and report on the mechanical and electrical condition of infrastructure Key qualifications include: Minimum two years' experience in environments involving mechanical and electrical equipment, supplemented by accreditation with a Red Seal Endorsement or a BC Trade Qualification as an Electrician Excellent communication skills including report writing Ability to work well in a team environment, as well as independently with minimal supervision Proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, and solid computer skills Demonstrated ability to read and interpret complex baggage layouts and drawing schematics Valid driver's license This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position.
    Salary Range : $78,654 to $102,802 per annum, based on a 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Baggage Operations is an integral part of providing the safe, reliable and predictable delivery of every passenger's bag, every time. Position overview Reporting to the Manager, Baggage Systems, the Baggage Systems Technician - Electrical will repair, maintain and provide condition assessment for all electrical assets utilized in the Airport Authority's baggage systems. Key responsibilities include: Respond to, troubleshoot and rectify all trouble calls in the baggage system that have been escalated by the Integrated Operations Centre for technical response Work with planning and/or controls teams to carry out complex or time intensive repairs when they cannot be completed as a trouble call Devise, recommend and implement workarounds to baggage delivery within the system when there is downtime due to corrective maintenance Carry out technical work, as prescribed in job plans, and where appropriate or necessary, advise on and update plans Inspect, assess and report on the mechanical and electrical condition of infrastructure Key qualifications include: Minimum two years' experience in environments involving mechanical and electrical equipment, supplemented by accreditation with a Red Seal Endorsement or a BC Trade Qualification as an Electrician Excellent communication skills including report writing Ability to work well in a team environment, as well as independently with minimal supervision Proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, and solid computer skills Demonstrated ability to read and interpret complex baggage layouts and drawing schematics Valid driver's license This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position.
    Salary Range : $78,654 to $102,802 per annum, based on a 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    - Vancouver

    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Facilities Maintenance plays an integral part in the continued success and future vision of the Vancouver Airport Authority. Position overview We have two opportunities for permanent, full-time Electricians in the Facilities Maintenance Department. This role works as a member of a cross functional team, and the successful candidate will perform all aspects of preventative and corrective maintenance on various systems within the Airport Authority buildings and assets. Key responsibilities include: Repairing and maintaining electrical and mechanical equipment including Generator sets Lighting systems Passenger loading bridges Switchgear and transformers UPSs Automatic Microcomputer and PLC control systems Airfield lighting Multiple HMI Systems including Fire Alarm, General Alarm, etc Frequency Drives, Soft Starts Electrical infrastructure from 69kv to 120V HVAC controls Ground Fault protection system Key qualifications include: Three years of recent, related experience, supplemented by a BC Trade Qualification as an Electrician; preference will be given to industrial and/or institutional maintenance experience. Demonstrated ability to make safety a top priority Excellent analytical and troubleshooting skills Ability to work well in a team environment, as well as independently, with little supervision Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills Proactive and customer focused Valid BC driver's license (class 5 or better) Shift work is required as the Maintenance Department operates on a 24-hour basis. This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position. As part of our recruitment process, short-listed candidates may be required to participate in an assessment process.
    Salary Range : $78,654 to $102,802 per annum, based on 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications, and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    Senior Maintenance Planner  

    - Vancouver

    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Baggage Operations is an integral part of providing the safe, reliable and predictable delivery of every passenger's bag, every time. Position overview We have a permanent full-time opportunity for Senior Maintenance Planner in the Baggage Operations team. Reporting to the Manager, Baggage Systems, the successful candidate will be responsible in ensuring that our equipment and facilities are consistently operational, reliable, and available to the traveling public, tenants, and airport partners. Leverage the available budget to execute smarter, cost-effective strategies. and focus on maximizing budget return by employing planned maintenance where it proves more effective than alternatives. Enhance equipment reliability and availability by implementing the most effective planned maintenance schedules and swiftly restoring equipment to its designed capability. Key responsibilities include: Generates daily work orders for all crews, ensures the availability of future work orders for at least 14 days, reviews completed work orders for comments, variances, and completeness, and follows up with adjustments or coordination as needed. Maintains accurate records for all physical assets, equipment registers, vendor information, Maximo database, and ensures compliance with life/safety and environmental preventative maintenance certifications and schedules. Oversees the development and implementation of preventative and predictive maintenance plans for baggage system, ensuring compliance with manufacturers' recommendations, established standards, and YVRAA maintenance practices, while incorporating these activities into CMMS/Maximo. Prepares, analyzes, and interprets complex data to create comprehensive maintenance reports, recommends improvements to maintenance policies, organizes specialized programs, reviews plans, and participates in budget preparation, including cost estimates and staff justifications Coordinates training and instructs the maintenance planning group and managers on all aspects of the Maximo application, addresses user questions in various formats, and fosters positive working relationships within and outside the department. Stays updated with advances in preventive and predictive maintenance technology and CMMS, visits outside companies for insights, implements new maintenance programs, develops system integrations, monitors standards and performance guidelines, ensures compliance with requirements, and incorporates multidisciplinary programs to enhance maintenance efforts. Conducts field inspections, collaborates with maintenance teams to identify and coordinate baggage system maintenance needs, provides technical expertise for incorporating new equipment into Maximo, investigates equipment failures, and maintains knowledge of baggage systems and maintenance operations.
    Key qualifications include: At least five years' experience planning, inspecting and evaluating preventative/repair maintenance needs of complex equipment and facilities, supplemented by the completion of a college certificate or diploma in engineering, technology, business or a related field; or an equivalent combination of training and experience Proven experience analyzing complex problems, evaluating alternatives and recommending effective courses of action, as well as developing and promoting work standards and processes Extensive knowledge of the principles and methods of effective maintenance planning and scheduling Expert level knowledge of:Core modules of Maximo (i.e., Work Order Tracking, Assets, Job Plans, Preventive Maintenance) BI Reporting Tools for budgeting and accrual reports MS Office (especially Excel) Building and managing schedules and shift change notices in Kronos Well-developed interpersonal skills as this role works proactively and respectfully with various internal and external stakeholders Class 5 provincial driver's license This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position.
    Salary Range : $88,402 to $115,536 per annum, based on a 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    Baggage Systems Technician - Electrical  

    - Ainsworth Hot Springs

    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Baggage Operations is an integral part of providing the safe, reliable and predictable delivery of every passenger's bag, every time. Position overview Reporting to the Manager, Baggage Systems, the Baggage Systems Technician - Electrical will repair, maintain and provide condition assessment for all electrical assets utilized in the Airport Authority's baggage systems. Key responsibilities include: Respond to, troubleshoot and rectify all trouble calls in the baggage system that have been escalated by the Integrated Operations Centre for technical response Work with planning and/or controls teams to carry out complex or time intensive repairs when they cannot be completed as a trouble call Devise, recommend and implement workarounds to baggage delivery within the system when there is downtime due to corrective maintenance Carry out technical work, as prescribed in job plans, and where appropriate or necessary, advise on and update plans Inspect, assess and report on the mechanical and electrical condition of infrastructure Key qualifications include: Minimum two years' experience in environments involving mechanical and electrical equipment, supplemented by accreditation with a Red Seal Endorsement or a BC Trade Qualification as an Electrician Excellent communication skills including report writing Ability to work well in a team environment, as well as independently with minimal supervision Proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, and solid computer skills Demonstrated ability to read and interpret complex baggage layouts and drawing schematics Valid driver's license This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position.
    Salary Range : $78,654 to $102,802 per annum, based on a 40-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    Project Specialist  

    - Vancouver

    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. Position overview We have an opportunity for a permanent, full-time Project Specialist in the Engineering Projects Department. Reporting to the Manager, Airside Engineering Projects, the Project Specialist will be responsible for providing support for engineering projects and programs. This includes applying advanced analytics, quality and risk management methodologies to Engineering projects & programs, assisting in organizing and controlling various project activities, and effectively communicating project risks, opportunities, and status. Key responsibilities include: Consolidating reports from all projects under the program and collaborating divisions, contributing to executive and board-level reporting. Providing analysis of project performance, identifying trends and risks, and escalating critical risks that threaten project milestones. Analyzing project and program data and observing engineering projects, processes, and programs to identify challenges and opportunities for optimization and improvement. Leveraging insights and data to drive process and continuous improvement initiatives, tracking progress and business benefits, while promoting data-driven decision-making. Identifying and resolving problems both proactively and reactively. Leading and/or supporting the development of Engineering Program Dashboards monitoring key metrics and indicators of the performance of critical systems, processes, service delivery, and supply chains. Developing and nurturing excellent cross-functional relationships with internal/external teams and leaders across the business to promote and help embed a drive for improvement mindset. Key qualifications include: Undergraduate degree in Business, Engineering, or a related field, with 5 years of relevant experience in project management, coordination, or related fields, including experience in reporting, risk analysis, and performance monitoring or an equivalent combination of training and work experience. Six Sigma Yellow or Green Belt, or the ability to get the certification. Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM). Proven ability to manage and oversee projects, ensuring timely and successful completion. Expertise in drafting policies, plans, processes, and procedures. Skilled in preparing schedules and visual data summaries using various software tools. Strong report writing skills and the ability to deliver presentations to all levels of an organization, from the Board to frontline staff. Proficient in data analysis, risk assessment, cost estimating, financial analysis, and process analysis (including process mapping) and improvement. Knowledge of AI applications would be a plus. This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position. As part of our recruitment process, short-listed candidates may be required to participate in an assessment process. Salary Range : $82,877 to $108,315 per annum, based on 37.5-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications, and internal equity.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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    YVR is a place of connection, bringing together people, places, and cargo while ensuring a safe and efficient experience for everyone. YVR Fire & Rescue is a value and integrity-based department with a strong culture of diversity, inclusion, and belonging that enables the team to deliver on our Mission, of being dedicated to protecting and educating our customers, our community, and our environment through the delivery of professional aircraft fire rescue service. This drives us toward our Vision to be the best Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting department in Canada.

    Position Overview

    Are you a highly motivated leader with a passion to direct and maintain proper order and conduct of firefighters to ensure the department meets or exceeds required tactical operations while ensuring compliance with all applicable standards and regulations? Can you exercise considerable independence of judgment and action in carrying out assignments in accordance with both corporate and departmental policies, plans, and objectives? The Deputy Fire Chief - Operations role might be for you. Key responsibilities include: Assist the Fire Chief as the primary tactical operations support in the development and implementation of an overall long-term strategic plan involving fire protection Plan, administer and supervise the operational functions to ensure the department meets or exceeds required tactical abilities in aircraft rescue and firefighting, as well as medical response Maintain all mandatory ARFF training in compliance with CARS regulations Evaluates levels of staffing for proper response, and coverage policies and present recommendations to the Fire Chief Manages and provides significant leadership, communication, technical, and operational skills in the YVR Fire & Rescue Department Manages, oversees, and participates in the development of work plans; assignment of work activities, projects, and programs; monitors workflow Assume the Fire Chief's responsibilities in his or her absence to ensure compliance with CARS regulations, NFPA standards, and the Airport Emergency Plan or any other standards or regulations as assigned by the Fire Chief Key qualifications include: Minimum of ten (10) years of progressively responsible leadership experience in fire and rescue services, supplemented by a post-secondary degree in Business Administration, Emergency Management, Fire Service Leadership or a related field; or an equivalent combination of training and experience NFPA 1021 Level III, NFPA 1521 and NFPA 1041 Level II, plus Incident Command Certification Level 300 Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications - Fire Officer III Valid BC Class 3 driver's license with air brake endorsement Obtaining and maintaining a DAVOP license to operate equipment/vehicles in airside areas. Available for rotational after-hours on-call duty with a maximum emergency incident response time of 45 minutes from the time of notification to on-scene Demonstrated computer competency in related business and office software programs Demonstrated business writing competency including briefings, memorandums and reports Preferred Qualifications: NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications - Fire Officer IV Executive Fire Chief Officer (ECFO) and/or Chief Fire Officer (CFO) designation This position is open to both Vancouver Airport Authority employees and external applicants. Previous job performance will be taken into consideration for all internal candidates that apply for this position. As part of our recruitment process, short-listed candidates may be required to participate in an assessment process.
    Salary Range : $119,680 to $179,250 per annum, based on a 37.5-hour work week. This is individually tailored to reflect your unique experience, qualifications, and internal equity. Performance-Based Incentive: Eligible for an annual bonus target at 15% of your annual salary.
    At YVR, your work experience goes beyond the paycheck. We support your personal and professional development, well-being, and a thriving work culture with generous vacation days, extensive health benefits, retirement savings matching, wellness programs, community engagement, commuting support, and continuous learning opportunities. Learn more at . Who We Are YVR is more than just an airport. We connect our beautiful province and all it has to offer to the world. We are all leaders and trailblazers for change and innovation, so no matter the department or team you're a part of, the work you do matters. At YVR, we are flexible in everything we do. We will work together to find ways to deliver customer excellence that helps us all thrive. Whatever your background and wherever you're from, you belong at YVR. If you have any questions about accessibility or require any assistance applying, please reach out at .
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  • b

    Associate, Sales & Customer Service - St. John's  

    - St. John's

    Our employees are at the heart of everything we do. Together, we help people, businesses, and society prosper in good times and be resilient in bad times.

    Our employee promise represents Intact's commitment to you in exchange for living our Values, striving to do your best work, being open to change and investing in your career. In return, we promise to provide support, opportunities and performance-led financial rewards at a workplace where you can shape the future, win as a team and grow with us.

    About the role

    If you're passionate about helping others and are known for your excellent communication and people skills, we may be a good fit!

    As a Sales & Customer Service agent, you'll become a trusted advisor in helping Canadians protect the things they care about. We'll provide you the mentorship and training as you pursue your career goals, and your success will be recognized with our annual bonus plan and accelerated career path which will provide you with an opportunity for promotion after six months in the role.

    What you'll do here:

    Play a key role in providing the best possible protection for our clients' most valuable assets by advising them to make informed choices, answering their product questions and advising on next steps
    Analyze customer needs and promote and cross-sell products and services
    Accept and process changes in payment methods
    Handle phone and email inquiries from existing clients in a professional and timely manner

    What you bring to the table:

    Bilingualism (English-French) is a definite asset
    Minimum one year of customer service experience in a call centre environment
    Previous sales experience a strong asset
    A natural communicator and understand how to listen and empathize with others
    Tech-savvy and comfortable working between different systems
    Ability to multi-task and stay cool under pressure
    Must be willing to study for and pass the provincial exam to obtain your insurance license
    No Canadian work experience required however must be eligible to work in Canada

    This role requires you to:

    Be available to work Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00am - 8:00pm and Saturdays from 8:00am - 5:00pm
    During the first year with us, you will be required to work every Saturday. After the first 12 months, they will be in 1 of 5-week rotation.
    During the first year with us, we will ask you to work on statutory holidays and you will be compensated according to labor standards.

    Check out the below link to find out more on working for Belairdirect!

    1 million reasons to work at belairdirect - YouTube


    What we offer

    Our hybrid work model provides the balance between working from home and enjoying meaningful in-person interactions.

    Working here means you'll be empowered to be and do your best every day. Here is some of what you can expect as a permanent member of our team:

    A financial rewards program that recognizes your success

    An industry leading Employee Share Purchase Plan; we match 50% of net shares purchased

    An extensive flex pension and benefits package, with access to virtual healthcare

    Flexible work arrangements

    Possibility to purchase up to 5 extra days off per year

    An annual wellness account that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle

    Access to tools and resources to support physical and mental health, embracing change and connecting with colleagues

    A dynamic workplace learning ecosystem complete with learning journeys, interactive online content, and inspiring programs

    Inclusive employee-led networks to educate, inspire, amplify voices, build relationships and provide development opportunities

    Inspiring leaders and colleagues who will lift you up and help you grow

    A Community Impact program, because what you care about is a part of what makes you different. And how you contribute to your community should be just as unique.

    We are an equal opportunity employer

    At Intact, our Value of respect is founded on seeing diversity as a strength. We strive to create an accessible workplace where employees feel valued, included and encouraged to share their unique perspectives.

    We encourage applications from individuals who are members of equity-deserving groups, including but not limited to women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, Black people, and members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

    As part of Intact's commitment to reconciliation, we acknowledge that we work, meet and travel across the land currently called Canada, originally inhabited by First Nations, Metis and Inuit people. This history extends through many centuries and continues to evolve today.

    We have policies to ensure equal access and participation for people with disabilities, including providing workplace adjustments (accommodations). A copy of applicable policies is available on request.

    If we can provide a specific adjustment to make the recruitment process more accessible for you, please let us know when we reach out about a job opportunity. We'll work with you to meet your needs.

    Learn more about our recruitment process and your candidate journey here.

    If you are an employee of Intact or belairdirect, please apply for this role on Internal Career Site.
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  • O

    Who We Are:
    At OPENLANE we make wholesale easy so our customers can be more successful. We're a technology company building the world's most advanced-and uncomplicated-digital marketplace for used vehicles. We're a data company helping customers buy and sell smarter with clear, actionable insights they can understand and use. And we're an innovation company accelerating the future of wholesale remarketing through curiosity, collaboration, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Our Values:
    Driven Waybuilders. We pursue challenges that inspire us to build, create, and innovate.
    Relentless Curiosity. We seek to understand and improve our customers' experience.
    Smart Risk-Taking. We transform risk into progress through data, experience, and intuition.
    Fearless Ownership. We deliver what we promise and learn along the way.
    We're Looking For:
    We are seeking a Talent Acquisition Partner who embodies our Talent Acquisition Guiding Principles and has experience in strategic recruitment and hiring support, relationship building, and full-cycle recruitment. You will be part of a talent acquisition team responsible for hiring top talent for our organization. You have a strong sense of urgency, proactively seek out solutions to hiring needs, and can establish credibility and rapport with hiring partners. The ideal candidate will have experience in sourcing and full-cycle recruitment across North America.
    You Are: Consultative: You will serve as a trusted advisor and strategic partner to hiring managers, anticipating their needs and delivering innovative, data-driven solutions. Creative: You will think outside of the box and develop strategies to engage passive talent. You are a brand ambassador and can have compelling conversations to attract top talent. Resourceful: In today's unique labor market, you excel at talent identification, talent attraction, and delivering a positive candidate experience. Strategic : You understand the vision and business objectives as they relate to Talent Acquisition while influencing and executing recruiting strategies to support the talent needs of the company. Curious: You are a relentless learner, actively seeking to understand both internal and external customers and using insights to drive tangible improvements in the recruiting process. Accountable: You act with urgency and ownership by setting realistic goals for yourself and the hiring initiative. You take full accountability for all tasks and projects, setting ambitious but achievable goals. Detail-oriented: You ensure the quality of the recruitment process through proper system utilization and record keeping, innovative strategies, and proactive engagement with potential candidates. Experience-Focused: You see great candidates and hiring partner experiences as table stakes, always thinking about how to present the best possible outcome. Driven Waybuilder : You proactively seek challenges that inspire innovative solutions. You anticipate potential issues and build creative, scalable processes that improve the overall workflow. Fearless Ownership : You deliver exceptional results by engaging deeply with stakeholders and continuously learning and adjusting to ensure future success. Smart Risk-Taking : You transform risks into opportunities by using data, intuition, and experience. You balance innovation with careful risk assessment, leading to measurable improvements in hiring efficiency and candidate satisfaction. You Will: Lead the full life cycle recruiting process from start to finish, including sourcing, scheduling, interviewing, recommending a qualified talent pool, and offer negotiation for various positions at OPENLANE. Establish relationships with candidates through social networking, industry relationships, internal and external referrals, and other means as they develop. Understand and anticipate current market trends, compensation packages, and their effects on talent acquisition and retention. Partner with team members and leadership on special projects to build and sustain strategies to continuously deliver a high level of customer service to the organization and meet our goals and objectives. Drive collaboration with other centers of excellence within Human Resources. Navigate ever-changing hiring landscapes, open position volumes, and business needs. Consistently address challenges by working with others to find practical solutions that meet the needs of the business. Take responsibility for assigned tasks and consistently meet expectations. Deliver results within expected timelines, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and maintain quality. Who You Will Work With:
    Reporting to the Director of Talent Acquisition, this role will collaborate with all departments of Human Resources, Hiring Partners, and Business Leaders daily.
    Must Have's: 3-5+ years of demonstrated success in a dynamic recruiting role that requires influencing and partnership to accomplish goals. Experience recruiting across the United States. Solid Computer skills, including Google Workspace. Experience using Workday. Track record of developing partnerships with stakeholders. Excellent communication skills with an innate ability to motivate and inspire. Comfortable managing multiple and changing priorities. A demonstrated desire to learn specific business needs and success criteria. Nice to Have's: Experience in recruiting and hiring for various roles across the organization, including skilled trade, para-professional, professional, and specialized groups such as IT or Sales. Experience working in high volume and demanding environments such as an agency. Experience in recruiting and hiring for onsite and remote positions across the United States and Canada. What We Offer: Competitive pay Medical, dental, and vision benefits with employer HSA contributions (US) Immediately vested 401K (US) or RRSP (Canada) with company match Paid Vacation, Personal, and Sick Time Paid maternity and paternity leave (US) Employer paid short-term disability and life insurance Employer paid Leap into Service Day to volunteer Tuition Reimbursement for eligible programs Opportunities to expand your skill set and share your knowledge across a publicly traded, global organization Company culture of internal promotions, diverse career paths, and rapid advancement Sound like a match? Apply Now - We can't wait to hear from you!
    Qui nous sommes :
    Chez OPENLANE, nous simplifions la vente en gros pour que nos clients réussissent mieux.
    Nous sommes une entreprise technologique qui construit le marché numérique le plus avancé - et le plus simple - au monde pour les véhicules d'occasion. Nous sommes une entreprise de données qui aide nos clients à acheter et à vendre plus intelligemment grâce à des informations claires et exploitables qu'ils peuvent comprendre et utiliser. 1 Et nous sommes une entreprise d'innovation qui accélère l'avenir du remarketing de gros grâce à la curiosité, à la collaboration et à un esprit d'entreprise.
    Nos valeurs : Bâtisseurs de chemin déterminés. Nous relevons des défis qui nous inspirent à construire, à créer et à innover. Curiosité implacable. Nous cherchons à comprendre et à améliorer l'expérience de nos clients. Prise de risques intelligente. Nous transformons le risque en progrès grâce aux données, à l'expérience et à l'intuition. Responsabilité sans faille. Nous livrons ce que nous promettons et apprenons en cours de route. Nous recherchons :
    Nous sommes à la recherche d'un(e) Partenaire bilingue en acquisition de talents qui incarne nos principes directeurs en acquisition de talents et qui possède de l'expérience dans le soutien stratégique au recrutement et à l'embauche, dans l'établissement de relations et dans le recrutement à cycle complet. Vous ferez partie d'une équipe d'acquisition de talents responsable de l'embauche des meilleurs talents pour notre organisation. Vous avez un sens aigu de l'urgence, vous recherchez proactivement des solutions aux besoins d'embauche et vous pouvez établir votre crédibilité et votre entente avec les partenaires d'embauche. Le/la candidat(e) idéal(e) possède de l'expérience en approvisionnement et en recrutement à cycle complet à travers le Canada, mais plus particulièrement au Québec.
    Vous êtes : Consultatif(ve) : Vous agirez à titre de conseiller(ère) de confiance et de partenaire stratégique auprès des gestionnaires d'embauche, en anticipant leurs besoins et en offrant des solutions innovantes axées sur les données. Créatif(ve) : Vous sortirez des sentiers battus et élaborerez des stratégies pour mobiliser les talents passifs. Vous êtes un(e) ambassadeur(rice) de la marque et vous pouvez avoir des conversations convaincantes pour attirer les meilleurs talents. Ingénieux(se) : Dans le marché du travail unique d'aujourd'hui, vous excellez dans l'identification, l'attraction et la prestation d'une expérience positive aux candidats. Stratégique : . click apply for full job details
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  • I

    Front End Developer  

    - Brougham

    We are seeking a Front-end developer to join the Foundation(platform) UI team. The ideal candidate will possess a strong background in front-end development using React, Typescript, ES6+. As a key member of the team you will contribute to designing, developing and maintaining Turbonomic user experience. Bring your strong communication skills, attention to detail, and willingness to contribute ideas and opinions. Read More Read Less

  • R

    Human Capital Consultant  

    - Toronto

    Randstad, the world's leading partner for talent, is hiring a Human Capital Consultant to sell our Professional Talent Solutions.
    We sell work solutions. What does that mean? We help companies find the best talent for their organizations, impacting their productivity and profitability. We also help people thrive by assisting in finding their way to the right employers. If you want to learn how to have a major impact on the careers of others, then come talk to us. We are investing!
    What you get to do: Identify client prospects in need of temporary and/or direct hire workforce services & solutions Develop strong relationships with hiring managers via phone, text, email, social media and in-person Execute the activities that will gain results (lots of outbound cold calls, virtual, and on-site client meetings) Negotiate pricing to ensure maximum return on quality solutions Expand our reach with a tech and personal touch approach What you need to bring: 1-3 years of sales and business development experience Strong history of being the best at whatever you have done in the past Ability to connect with others through phone, video, social media, and in-person meetings Prior experience working in a team-oriented and fast-paced organization Track record of delivering results in a metrics-driven environment Passion for results, resilience, self-confidence, and the desire to do an exceptional job Possess a natural curiosity and relentless determination to make things happen - you like to WIN! Must be able to work in the office at least 2 days a week The position requires you to visit client sites located in areas where public transportation may not be available What's in it for you: Hybrid work environment Competitive base salary and bonus plan Wellness spending account and an ergonomic reimbursement program to equip your home office Randstad has been named one of Canada's Best Workplaces by Great Places to Work for more than 10 consecutive years, and one of the Best Workplaces for Women 3 weeks (15 days) of paid vacation during the first 12 months, plus additional care days Work in a fast-paced atmosphere, where every day is different and the challenges are varied The chance to progress within an authentic, supportive and growing organization A collaborative and participative leadership style Randstad Canada is committed to fostering a workforce reflective of all peoples of Canada. As a result, we are committed to developing and implementing strategies to increase the equity, diversity and inclusion within the workplace by examining our internal policies, practices, and systems throughout the entire lifecycle of our workforce, including its recruitment, retention and advancement for all employees. In addition to our deep commitment to respecting human rights, we are dedicated to positive actions to affect change to ensure everyone has full participation in the workforce free from any barriers, systemic or otherwise, especially equity-seeking groups who are usually underrepresented in Canada's workforce, including those who identify as women or non-binary/gender non-conforming; Indigenous or Aboriginal Peoples; persons with disabilities (visible or invisible) and; members of visible minorities, racialized groups and the LGBTQ2+ community.
    Randstad Canada is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible workplace for all its candidates and employees by supporting their accessibility and accommodation needs throughout the employment lifecycle. We ask that all job applications please identify any accommodation requirements by sending an email to to ensure their ability to fully participate in the interview process. # PandoLogic. Category:Human Resources,
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Astrid-Lindgren-Weg 12 38229 Salzgitter Germany