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    Numéro de la demande d’emploi : 176337 Fonction administrative : Vente au détail Ville principale : Archerwill Province : Saskatchewan Type d’emploi : Sur appel Statut d’emploi : Temporaire Exigences linguistiques : Anglais essentiel Classification et niveau d’employé : RVSGD11 – Niveau 1 Salaire : 18.44$/Heures Date de clôture (AAAA/MM/JJ) : 2024/05/15 Tous les candidats qualifiés seront pris en considération, mais la préférence sera accordée aux Autochtones (issue des Premières Nations, Métis ou Inuits) ou aux personnes en situation de handicap. Il s’agit d’une mesure spéciale dans le cadre de l’initiative d’équité en matière d’emploi, et les candidats de ces groupes qui souhaitent être admissibles à un traitement préférentiel doivent se désigner comme tels. Description de l'emploi Si vous avez de l'ambition, du talent et de la motivation, pensez à une carrière prometteuse à Postes Canada. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un adjoint dans un bureau de poste en disponibilité qui adopte une approche axée sur le client lorsqu'il assure le service au comptoir pour la clientèle. Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidatures des personnes qui ne vivent pas dans la collectivité du bureau de poste pourraient être prises en considération au besoin. Responsabilités professionnelles vendre des produits et des services postaux aux entreprises et à la population; trier, distribuer et traiter correctement le courrier; fournir aux clients des renseignements et des formulaires; s'occuper des difficultés liées à la livraison et au service pour résoudre rapidement et complètement les problèmes. Responsabilités professionnelles (suite) Critères d’admissibilité Diplôme d'études secondaires ou équivalent provincial, ou expérience en administration des affaires Formation et/ou expérience liée à l'interaction avec le public dans la vente au détail et/ou le milieu du service, entre autres, la vente et les transactions en espèces Compréhension des systèmes de comptabilité ordinaires ou des bureaux de poste Forme physique suffisante pour soulever des conteneurs de courrier pesant jusqu'à 50 lb, pousser ou tirer des boîtes, trier le courrier et rester debout pendant de longues périodes Flexibilité afin d'être disponible pour des tâches temporaires en disponibilité Autres informations Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidats qui habitent dans un rayon de 50 km du bureau de poste pourront être considérés selon la demande. Dans le cadre du processus de sélection les candidats choisis seront tenus de complété un processus d’enquête de sécurité Poste critique pour la sécurité Ce poste peut être considéré comme un poste critique pour la sécurité et il est assujetti aux exigences prévues en vertu de la Politique sur la consommation de substances de Postes Canada. Équité en matière d’emploi Postes Canada représentera la diversité du pays en plus d’offrir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et accueillant qui valorise et célèbre nos différences.  Nous souscrivons au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et invitons les femmes, les Autochtones, les personnes en situation de handicap et les membres des minorités visibles à soumettre leur candidature. Un handicap est défini comme étant un problème physique, un problème sensoriel ou un problème de santé mentale permanent ou épisodique ou une limitation fonctionnelle. Il comprend les problèmes de santé visibles et non visibles ou des limitations qui peuvent affecter la vue, l’ouïe, la mobilité, la flexibilité, la dextérité, la douleur, l’apprentissage, le développement, l’état mental ou psychologique, et la mémoire. Conflits d’intérêts La Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts interdit aux employés d’embaucher, de superviser ou d’avoir pour supérieur, directement ou indirectement selon l’échelle hiérarchique, des membres de leur famille immédiate ou toute personne de leur entourage proche. Si vous pensez que vous pourriez être en situation de conflit d’intérêts réel ou potentiel, vous devez communiquer avec le représentant désigné des Ressources humaines. Mesures d’adaptation Postes Canada s’engage à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commençant par le procédé d’embauche. Si Postes Canada communique avec vous à propos d’une possibilité d’emploi, veuillez nous informer si, en raison des restrictions, vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation.  Tous les renseignements reçus concernant les mesures d’adaptation demeureront confidentiels. Message important Votre candidature doit démontrer clairement la façon dont vous satisfaites aux exigences, puisque Postes Canada ne peut pas faire de suppositions quant à votre niveau d’études et à votre expérience. Nous remercions toutes les personnes ayant posé leur candidature. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes dont la candidature a été retenue. Nos comportements distinctifs Prendre des décisions – Nous avons le pouvoir de prendre des décisions, de remettre respectueusement en question le statu quo et d’encourager les autres à faire de même. Connaître la destination – Nous comprenons la stratégie et les objectifs de Postes Canada et comment y contribuer, et nous avançons en explorant de nouvelles approches avec ouverture d’esprit. Contribuer pour les autres – Nous sommes fiers de faire de notre mieux, d’aider les autres et de les encourager à réaliser leur plein potentiel. Contribuer au sentiment de fierté – Nous contribuons à rendre le Canada plus fort en célébrant notre identité, les communautés que nous servons et les enjeux importants. Nos valeurs Nos valeurs ont trois dimensions: “Nous sommes importants en tant qu’individus, Nous sommes importants les uns pour les autres, Nous sommes importants pour notre pays” CONFIANCE Je mérite la confiance qu’on m’accorde au quotidien et j’ai confiance en mes collègues, pour qui ma sécurité et mon bien-être sont une priorité. Nous atteignons notre plein potentiel quand nous nous faisons mutuellement confiance . Nous sommes reconnaissants de la confiance que les Canadiens nous accordent et savons qu’elle repose sur chaque décision et chaque interaction. RESPECT Je considère que le respect est à la base d’un milieu de travail prospère. Nous traitons nos collègues avec respect et compassion. Nous avons du respect pour notre pays et les communautés que nous desservons, et comprenons notre responsabilité d’être un moteur de changement positif. CONTRIBUTION Je me donne le défi de contribuer chaque jour à notre réussite parce que mon travail est important. Nous formons un réseau de personnes unies par notre contribution collective. Notre contribution à un Canada plus fort au profit des Canadiens est au cœur de notre travail.

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    Adjoint dans un bureau de poste - Durée déterminée  

    - Northwestern Saskatchewan (Battleford)

    Numéro de la demande d’emploi : 174405 Fonction administrative : Vente au détail Ville principale : Waterhen Lake Province : Saskatchewan Type d’emploi : Sur appel Statut d’emploi : Temporaire Exigences linguistiques : Anglais essentiel Classification et niveau d’employé : RVSGA10 – Niveau 1 Salaire : 18.44$/Heures Date de clôture (AAAA/MM/JJ) : 2024/05/20 Tous les candidats qualifiés seront pris en considération, mais la préférence sera accordée aux Autochtones (issue des Premières Nations, Métis ou Inuits) ou aux personnes en situation de handicap. Il s’agit d’une mesure spéciale dans le cadre de l’initiative d’équité en matière d’emploi, et les candidats de ces groupes qui souhaitent être admissibles à un traitement préférentiel doivent se désigner comme tels. Description de l'emploi Si vous avez de l'ambition, du talent et de la motivation, pensez à une carrière prometteuse à Postes Canada. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un adjoint dans un bureau de poste en disponibilité qui adopte une approche axée sur le client lorsqu'il assure le service au comptoir pour la clientèle. Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidatures des personnes qui ne vivent pas dans la collectivité du bureau de poste pourraient être prises en considération au besoin. Responsabilités professionnelles vendre des produits et des services postaux aux entreprises et à la population; trier, distribuer et traiter correctement le courrier; fournir aux clients des renseignements et des formulaires; s'occuper des difficultés liées à la livraison et au service pour résoudre rapidement et complètement les problèmes. Responsabilités professionnelles (suite) Critères d’admissibilité Diplôme d'études secondaires ou équivalent provincial, ou expérience en administration des affaires Formation et/ou expérience liée à l'interaction avec le public dans la vente au détail et/ou le milieu du service, entre autres, la vente et les transactions en espèces Compréhension des systèmes de comptabilité ordinaires ou des bureaux de poste Forme physique suffisante pour soulever des conteneurs de courrier pesant jusqu'à 50 lb, pousser ou tirer des boîtes, trier le courrier et rester debout pendant de longues périodes Flexibilité afin d'être disponible pour des tâches temporaires en disponibilité Autres informations Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidats qui habitent dans un rayon de 50 km du bureau de poste pourront être considérés selon la demande. Dans le cadre du processus de sélection les candidats choisis seront tenus de complété un processus d’enquête de sécurité Poste critique pour la sécurité Ce poste peut être considéré comme un poste critique pour la sécurité et il est assujetti aux exigences prévues en vertu de la Politique sur la consommation de substances de Postes Canada. Équité en matière d’emploi Postes Canada représentera la diversité du pays en plus d’offrir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et accueillant qui valorise et célèbre nos différences.  Nous souscrivons au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et invitons les femmes, les Autochtones, les personnes en situation de handicap et les membres des minorités visibles à soumettre leur candidature. Un handicap est défini comme étant un problème physique, un problème sensoriel ou un problème de santé mentale permanent ou épisodique ou une limitation fonctionnelle. Il comprend les problèmes de santé visibles et non visibles ou des limitations qui peuvent affecter la vue, l’ouïe, la mobilité, la flexibilité, la dextérité, la douleur, l’apprentissage, le développement, l’état mental ou psychologique, et la mémoire. Conflits d’intérêts La Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts interdit aux employés d’embaucher, de superviser ou d’avoir pour supérieur, directement ou indirectement selon l’échelle hiérarchique, des membres de leur famille immédiate ou toute personne de leur entourage proche. Si vous pensez que vous pourriez être en situation de conflit d’intérêts réel ou potentiel, vous devez communiquer avec le représentant désigné des Ressources humaines. Mesures d’adaptation Postes Canada s’engage à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commençant par le procédé d’embauche. Si Postes Canada communique avec vous à propos d’une possibilité d’emploi, veuillez nous informer si, en raison des restrictions, vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation.  Tous les renseignements reçus concernant les mesures d’adaptation demeureront confidentiels. Message important Votre candidature doit démontrer clairement la façon dont vous satisfaites aux exigences, puisque Postes Canada ne peut pas faire de suppositions quant à votre niveau d’études et à votre expérience. Nous remercions toutes les personnes ayant posé leur candidature. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes dont la candidature a été retenue. Nos comportements distinctifs Prendre des décisions – Nous avons le pouvoir de prendre des décisions, de remettre respectueusement en question le statu quo et d’encourager les autres à faire de même. Connaître la destination – Nous comprenons la stratégie et les objectifs de Postes Canada et comment y contribuer, et nous avançons en explorant de nouvelles approches avec ouverture d’esprit. Contribuer pour les autres – Nous sommes fiers de faire de notre mieux, d’aider les autres et de les encourager à réaliser leur plein potentiel. Contribuer au sentiment de fierté – Nous contribuons à rendre le Canada plus fort en célébrant notre identité, les communautés que nous servons et les enjeux importants. Nos valeurs Nos valeurs ont trois dimensions: “Nous sommes importants en tant qu’individus, Nous sommes importants les uns pour les autres, Nous sommes importants pour notre pays” CONFIANCE Je mérite la confiance qu’on m’accorde au quotidien et j’ai confiance en mes collègues, pour qui ma sécurité et mon bien-être sont une priorité. Nous atteignons notre plein potentiel quand nous nous faisons mutuellement confiance . Nous sommes reconnaissants de la confiance que les Canadiens nous accordent et savons qu’elle repose sur chaque décision et chaque interaction. RESPECT Je considère que le respect est à la base d’un milieu de travail prospère. Nous traitons nos collègues avec respect et compassion. Nous avons du respect pour notre pays et les communautés que nous desservons, et comprenons notre responsabilité d’être un moteur de changement positif. CONTRIBUTION Je me donne le défi de contribuer chaque jour à notre réussite parce que mon travail est important. Nous formons un réseau de personnes unies par notre contribution collective. Notre contribution à un Canada plus fort au profit des Canadiens est au cœur de notre travail.

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    Adjoint dans un bureau de poste - Durée déterminée  

    - North Island, Sunshine Coast, and Southern Gulf Islands (Whistler)

    Job Application Number: 150236 Administrative function: Vente au détail Main city: [[]] Additional location(s): Province: [[ ]] Job Type: [] Employment status: [[]] Language requirements: [[] Classification and employee level: [[]] Number of vacancies: Salary: $18.44 per hour End date (YYYY/MM/DD): 2024/05/15 Description de l'emploi Si vous avez de l'ambition, du talent et de la motivation, pensez à une carrière prometteuse à Postes Canada. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un adjoint dans un bureau de poste en disponibilité qui adopte une approche axée sur le client lorsqu'il assure le service au comptoir pour la clientèle. Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidatures des personnes qui ne vivent pas dans la collectivité du bureau de poste pourraient être prises en considération au besoin. Responsabilités professionnelles vendre des produits et des services postaux aux entreprises et à la population; trier, distribuer et traiter correctement le courrier; fournir aux clients des renseignements et des formulaires; s'occuper des difficultés liées à la livraison et au service pour résoudre rapidement et complètement les problèmes. Responsabilités professionnelles (suite) Critères d’admissibilité Diplôme d'études secondaires ou équivalent provincial, ou expérience en administration des affaires Formation et/ou expérience liée à l'interaction avec le public dans la vente au détail et/ou le milieu du service, entre autres, la vente et les transactions en espèces Compréhension des systèmes de comptabilité ordinaires ou des bureaux de poste Forme physique suffisante pour soulever des conteneurs de courrier pesant jusqu'à 50 lb, pousser ou tirer des boîtes, trier le courrier et rester debout pendant de longues périodes Flexibilité afin d'être disponible pour des tâches temporaires en disponibilité Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidats qui habitent dans un rayon de 50 km du bureau de poste pourront être considérés selon la demande. Dans le cadre du processus de sélection les candidats choisis seront tenus de complété un processus d’enquête de sécurité Poste critique pour la sécurité Ce poste peut être considéré comme un poste critique pour la sécurité. Équité en matière d’emploi Postes Canada représentera la diversité du pays en plus d’offrir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et accueillant qui valorise et célèbre nos différences. Nous souscrivons au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et invitons les femmes, les Autochtones, les personnes vivant avec un handicap et les membres des minorités visibles à soumettre leur candidature. Conflits d’intérêts La Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts interdit aux employés d’embaucher, de superviser ou d’avoir pour supérieur, directement ou indirectement selon l’échelle hiérarchique, des membres de leur famille immédiate ou toute personne de leur entourage proche. Si vous pensez que vous pourriez être en situation de conflit d’intérêts réel ou potentiel, vous devez communiquer avec le représentant désigné des Ressources humaines. Mesures d’adaptation Postes Canada s’engage à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commençant par le procédé d’embauche. Si Postes Canada communique avec vous à propos d’une possibilité d’emploi, veuillez nous informer si, en raison des restrictions, vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation.  Tous les renseignements reçus concernant les mesures d’adaptation demeureront confidentiels. Message important Votre candidature doit démontrer clairement la façon dont vous satisfaites aux exigences, puisque Postes Canada ne peut pas faire de suppositions quant à votre niveau d’études et à votre expérience. Nous remercions toutes les personnes ayant posé leur candidature. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes dont la candidature a été retenue. Nos comportements propres au leadership et valeurs de la Société : Prise de décisions – Champion de l’organisation qui prend des risques calculés et des décisions prudentes et logiques au sujet de questions actuelles, des occasions futures et des exigences en matière de ressources en temps opportun et de façon réfléchie, qui cadrent avec les intérêts supérieurs de la Société. Responsabilisation – Personne qui vise l’excellence en matière de rendement, qui assume les décisions et les mesures prises et tient les subalternes directs responsables, mais qui tire aussi des leçons de ses erreurs lorsque les résultats prévus ne sont pas atteints. Orientation commerciale – Personne proactive qui comprend la nature concurrentielle des activités de l’entreprise et qui s’engage à assurer la viabilité de l’entreprise grâce à un excellent service à la clientèle et à de nouvelles occasions d’affaires. Exécution – Personne motivée et ayant des objectifs qui agit avec un sentiment d’urgence et atteint ses objectifs à temps et selon le budget, en gérant efficacement les défis et les situations ambiguës. Direction des personnes – Excellent communicateur et chef qui incite l’engagement des autres, les motive et les inspire dans le but d’atteindre les résultats et qui encourage l’épanouissement personnel et la recherche de meilleures façons de faire les choses. Nos valeurs Nous sommes conscients que la diversité fait partie intégrante de ce que nous sommes en tant qu’entreprise, de la façon dont nous exerçons nos activités et de notre vision de l’avenir. Nous sommes convaincus qu’attirer, perfectionner et maintenir en poste une main-d’œuvre qui reflète la diversité du Canada est essentiel à notre succès parce qu’il s’agit d’une priorité pour toutes les collectivités et les clients que nous desservons. Les valeurs de Postes Canada reflètent les principes, les croyances et les aspirations qui guident notre comportement et façonnent notre culture. Sécurité – Nous nous engageons à assurer un environnement sain et sécuritaire pour toutes les parties intéressées. Clients – Nous servons les Canadiens avec fierté et passion. Respect – Nous nous traitons mutuellement avec équité et respect. Intégrité – Nous agissons de manière responsable et avec intégrité. Transformation – Nous innovons et nous nous transformons pour connaître du succès sur le marché.

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    Adjoint dans un bureau de poste - Durée déterminée  

    - Northern Manitoba (Norway House)

    Numéro de la demande d’emploi : 167785 Fonction administrative : Vente au détail Ville principale : Cross Lake Province : Manitoba Type d’emploi : Sur appel Statut d’emploi : Période déterminée Exigences linguistiques : Anglais essentiel Classification et niveau d’employé : RVSGD11 – Niveau 1 Salaire : 18.44$ per hour Date de clôture (AAAA/MM/JJ) : 2024/05/19 Tous les candidats qualifiés seront pris en considération, mais la préférence sera accordée aux Autochtones (issue des Premières Nations, Métis ou Inuits) ou aux personnes en situation de handicap. Il s’agit d’une mesure spéciale dans le cadre de l’initiative d’équité en matière d’emploi, et les candidats de ces groupes qui souhaitent être admissibles à un traitement préférentiel doivent se désigner comme tels. Description de l'emploi Si vous avez de l'ambition, du talent et de la motivation, pensez à une carrière prometteuse à Postes Canada. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un adjoint dans un bureau de poste en disponibilité qui adopte une approche axée sur le client lorsqu'il assure le service au comptoir pour la clientèle. Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidatures des personnes qui ne vivent pas dans la collectivité du bureau de poste pourraient être prises en considération au besoin. Responsabilités professionnelles vendre des produits et des services postaux aux entreprises et à la population; trier, distribuer et traiter correctement le courrier; fournir aux clients des renseignements et des formulaires; s'occuper des difficultés liées à la livraison et au service pour résoudre rapidement et complètement les problèmes. Responsabilités professionnelles (suite) Critères d’admissibilité Diplôme d'études secondaires ou équivalent provincial, ou expérience en administration des affaires Formation et/ou expérience liée à l'interaction avec le public dans la vente au détail et/ou le milieu du service, entre autres, la vente et les transactions en espèces Compréhension des systèmes de comptabilité ordinaires ou des bureaux de poste Forme physique suffisante pour soulever des conteneurs de courrier pesant jusqu'à 50 lb, pousser ou tirer des boîtes, trier le courrier et rester debout pendant de longues périodes Flexibilité afin d'être disponible pour des tâches temporaires en disponibilité Autres informations LES CANDIDATS DEVRONT FOURNIR : une lettre de recommandation Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidats qui habitent dans un rayon de 50 km du bureau de poste pourront être considérés selon la demande. Dans le cadre du processus de sélection les candidats choisis seront tenus de complété un processus d’enquête de sécurité Poste critique pour la sécurité Ce poste peut être considéré comme un poste critique pour la sécurité. Équité en matière d’emploi Postes Canada représentera la diversité du pays en plus d’offrir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et accueillant qui valorise et célèbre nos différences.  Nous souscrivons au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et invitons les femmes, les Autochtones, les personnes en situation de handicap et les membres des minorités visibles à soumettre leur candidature. Un handicap est défini comme étant un problème physique, un problème sensoriel ou un problème de santé mentale permanent ou épisodique ou une limitation fonctionnelle. Il comprend les problèmes de santé visibles et non visibles ou des limitations qui peuvent affecter la vue, l’ouïe, la mobilité, la flexibilité, la dextérité, la douleur, l’apprentissage, le développement, l’état mental ou psychologique, et la mémoire. Conflits d’intérêts La Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts interdit aux employés d’embaucher, de superviser ou d’avoir pour supérieur, directement ou indirectement selon l’échelle hiérarchique, des membres de leur famille immédiate ou toute personne de leur entourage proche. Si vous pensez que vous pourriez être en situation de conflit d’intérêts réel ou potentiel, vous devez communiquer avec le représentant désigné des Ressources humaines. Mesures d’adaptation Postes Canada s’engage à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commençant par le procédé d’embauche. Si Postes Canada communique avec vous à propos d’une possibilité d’emploi, veuillez nous informer si, en raison des restrictions, vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation.  Tous les renseignements reçus concernant les mesures d’adaptation demeureront confidentiels. Message important Votre candidature doit démontrer clairement la façon dont vous satisfaites aux exigences, puisque Postes Canada ne peut pas faire de suppositions quant à votre niveau d’études et à votre expérience. Nous remercions toutes les personnes ayant posé leur candidature. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes dont la candidature a été retenue. Nos comportements propres au leadership et valeurs de la Société : Prise de décisions – Champion de l’organisation qui prend des risques calculés et des décisions prudentes et logiques au sujet de questions actuelles, des occasions futures et des exigences en matière de ressources en temps opportun et de façon réfléchie, qui cadrent avec les intérêts supérieurs de la Société. Responsabilisation – Personne qui vise l’excellence en matière de rendement, qui assume les décisions et les mesures prises et tient les subalternes directs responsables, mais qui tire aussi des leçons de ses erreurs lorsque les résultats prévus ne sont pas atteints. Orientation commerciale – Personne proactive qui comprend la nature concurrentielle des activités de l’entreprise et qui s’engage à assurer la viabilité de l’entreprise grâce à un excellent service à la clientèle et à de nouvelles occasions d’affaires. Exécution – Personne motivée et ayant des objectifs qui agit avec un sentiment d’urgence et atteint ses objectifs à temps et selon le budget, en gérant efficacement les défis et les situations ambiguës. Direction des personnes – Excellent communicateur et chef qui incite l’engagement des autres, les motive et les inspire dans le but d’atteindre les résultats et qui encourage l’épanouissement personnel et la recherche de meilleures façons de faire les choses. Nos valeurs Nous sommes conscients que la diversité fait partie intégrante de ce que nous sommes en tant qu’entreprise, de la façon dont nous exerçons nos activités et de notre vision de l’avenir. Nous sommes convaincus qu’attirer, perfectionner et maintenir en poste une main-d’œuvre qui reflète la diversité du Canada est essentiel à notre succès parce qu’il s’agit d’une priorité pour toutes les collectivités et les clients que nous desservons. Les valeurs de Postes Canada reflètent les principes, les croyances et les aspirations qui guident notre comportement et façonnent notre culture. Sécurité – Nous nous engageons à assurer un environnement sain et sécuritaire pour toutes les parties intéressées. Clients – Nous servons les Canadiens avec fierté et passion. Respect – Nous nous traitons mutuellement avec équité et respect. Intégrité – Nous agissons de manière responsable et avec intégrité. Transformation – Nous innovons et nous nous transformons pour connaître du succès sur le marché.

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    Facteur rural et suburbain de relève en disponibilité  

    - Quinte Shores, East Northumberland County & Prince Edward County (Picton)

    Numéro de la demande d’emploi : 180301 Fonction administrative : Factrices et facteurs ruraux et suburbains Ville principale : Hastings Emplacement(s) supplémentaire(s) : Province : Ontario Type d’emploi : Employé de relève sur appel Statut d’emploi : Période déterminée Exigences linguistiques : Anglais essentiel Zone de concours : les candidats qui résident dans un rayon de 75 km du bureau de poste où se trouve ce poste sont préférés. Nombre de postes vacants : 1 Date de clôture (AAAA/MM/JJ) : 2024/05/05 Tous les candidats qualifiés seront pris en considération, mais la préférence sera accordée aux Autochtones (issue des Premières Nations, Métis ou Inuits) ou aux personnes en situation de handicap. Il s’agit d’une mesure spéciale dans le cadre de l’initiative d’équité en matière d’emploi, et les candidats de ces groupes qui souhaitent être admissibles à un traitement préférentiel doivent se désigner comme tels. Description de l'emploi Imaginez avoir un horaire de travail flexible et faire de la route votre bureau. En tant que facteur/factrice de relève en disponibilité en zones rurales ou suburbaines à Postes Canada, c’est possible. Nous recrutons des personnes fiables et organisées en disponibilité pour livrer le courrier dans différentes collectivités. Si vous aimez travailler de façon indépendante, être en contact avec le public et conduire un véhicule dans toutes sortes de conditions météorologiques et routières, vous êtes prêt à entreprendre une carrière gratifiante et à faire de la route votre bureau. En tant qu’employé de relève sur appel à Postes Canada, vous travaillerez au sein d’une organisation axée sur la croissance et l’innovation et reconnue comme l’un des meilleurs employeurs au Canada et l’une des meilleures entreprises citoyennes. En plus d’une rémunération concurrentielle, vous aurez la possibilité de progresser avec nous et d’explorer vos perspectives de carrière, puisque vous pourriez être admissible pour postuler à d’éventuels emplois de factrices et facteurs ruraux et suburbains à venir. Responsabilités professionnelles • Procéder d'une manière positive et courtoise en traitant les clients face à face • Soyez habile à trier, à collecter et à distribuer des envois postaux, de façon sécuritaire et en temps opportun • Acquérir et maintenir des connaissances sur les infrastructures locales, y compris les routes, les clients et les réceptacles de livraison • S'assurer que le courrier est en toute sécurité en sa possession Responsabilités professionnelles (suite) Traiter les différents produits et services du CPC (Avis de changement d'adresse, Courrier endommagé, Factures livrées (BID) et autres) Porter l'identification de Postes Canada lors de la livraison et assurer sa visibilité tout en livrant et en recueillant le courrier des clients Soulever et transporter des articles jusqu'à 50 lb / 22,7 kg Avoir de l'expérience dans les livraisons et l'utilisation d'un véhicule automobile dans toutes les conditions météorologiques et de circulation Autres informations Exigences obligatoires du véhicule Avoir un dossier de conduite sécuritaire satisfaisant Posséder un permis de conduire provincial permanent valide Espace de chargement minimal de 50 pi3 (1 415 litres) Boîte de vitesses automatique Glaces à commande électrique; Toit en métal ainsi qu’une prise de courant supplémentaire permettant d’installer un panneau de Postes Canada et un feu clignotant; Milieu du rebord de la fenêtre du passager se situant entre 38 po et 45 po du sol et largeur intérieure maximale du véhicule devant être de 56 po; Cinquième porte ou hayon pour permettre le chargement d’articles surdimensionnés et volumineux(de préférence) Fournir et maintenir l'assurance de responsabilité automobile exigée pour l'utilisation de votre véhicule Aviser votre compagnie d'assurance de l'utilisation de votre véhicule pendant son emploi chez Postes Canada Avoir un dossier de conduite sécuritaire satisfaisant Posséder un permis de conduire provincial permanent valide Cliquez ici pour savoir comment mesurer la charge utilitaire de votre véhicule. Remarque:  Pour être considéré, vous devez: • Passer un test de pré-emploi et une entrevue. Veuillez noter que si vous êtes sélectionné, vous devrez fournir les documents suivants: • Votre CV • Un résumé du conducteur actuel daté des 30 derniers jours Poste critique pour la sécurité Ce poste peut être considéré comme un poste critique pour la sécurité et il est assujetti aux exigences prévues en vertu de la Politique sur la consommation de substances de Postes Canada. Équité en matière d’emploi Postes Canada représentera la diversité du pays en plus d’offrir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et accueillant qui valorise et célèbre nos différences.  Nous souscrivons au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et invitons les femmes, les Autochtones, les personnes en situation de handicap et les membres des minorités visibles à soumettre leur candidature. Un handicap est défini comme étant un problème physique, un problème sensoriel ou un problème de santé mentale permanent ou épisodique ou une limitation fonctionnelle. Il comprend les problèmes de santé visibles et non visibles ou des limitations qui peuvent affecter la vue, l’ouïe, la mobilité, la flexibilité, la dextérité, la douleur, l’apprentissage, le développement, l’état mental ou psychologique, et la mémoire. Conflits d’intérêts La Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts interdit aux employés d’embaucher, de superviser ou d’avoir pour supérieur, directement ou indirectement selon l’échelle hiérarchique, des membres de leur famille immédiate ou toute personne de leur entourage proche. Si vous pensez que vous pourriez être en situation de conflit d’intérêts réel ou potentiel, vous devez communiquer avec le représentant désigné des Ressources humaines. Mesures d’adaptation Postes Canada s’engage à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commençant par le procédé d’embauche. Si Postes Canada communique avec vous à propos d’une possibilité d’emploi, veuillez nous informer si, en raison des restrictions, vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation.  Tous les renseignements reçus concernant les mesures d’adaptation demeureront confidentiels. Message important Votre dossier de candidature doit démontrer clairement de quelle façon vous satisfaites aux exigences, puisque Postes Canada ne peut pas faire de suppositions quant à votre formation et à votre expérience. Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui posent leur candidature. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes dont la candidature a été retenue. Nos comportements distinctifs Prendre des décisions – Nous avons le pouvoir de prendre des décisions, de remettre respectueusement en question le statu quo et d’encourager les autres à faire de même. Connaître la destination – Nous comprenons la stratégie et les objectifs de Postes Canada et comment y contribuer, et nous avançons en explorant de nouvelles approches avec ouverture d’esprit. Contribuer pour les autres – Nous sommes fiers de faire de notre mieux, d’aider les autres et de les encourager à réaliser leur plein potentiel. Contribuer au sentiment de fierté – Nous contribuons à rendre le Canada plus fort en célébrant notre identité, les communautés que nous servons et les enjeux importants. Nos valeurs Nos valeurs ont trois dimensions: “Nous sommes importants en tant qu’individus, Nous sommes importants les uns pour les autres, Nous sommes importants pour notre pays” CONFIANCE Je mérite la confiance qu’on m’accorde au quotidien et j’ai confiance en mes collègues, pour qui ma sécurité et mon bien-être sont une priorité. Nous atteignons notre plein potentiel quand nous nous faisons mutuellement confiance . Nous sommes reconnaissants de la confiance que les Canadiens nous accordent et savons qu’elle repose sur chaque décision et chaque interaction. RESPECT Je considère que le respect est à la base d’un milieu de travail prospère. Nous traitons nos collègues avec respect et compassion. Nous avons du respect pour notre pays et les communautés que nous desservons, et comprenons notre responsabilité d’être un moteur de changement positif. CONTRIBUTION Je me donne le défi de contribuer chaque jour à notre réussite parce que mon travail est important. Nous formons un réseau de personnes unies par notre contribution collective. Notre contribution à un Canada plus fort au profit des Canadiens est au cœur de notre travail.

  • C

    Adjoint dans un bureau de poste - Durée déterminée  

    - North Island, Sunshine Coast, and Southern Gulf Islands (Whistler)

    Job Application Number: 157531 Administrative function: Vente au détail Main city: [[]] Additional location(s): Province: [[ ]] Job Type: [] Employment status: [[]] Language requirements: [[] Classification and employee level: [[]] Number of vacancies: Salary: $18.44 per hour End date (YYYY/MM/DD): 2024/05/30 All qualified candidates will be considered, but preference will be given to Aboriginal people (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) or persons with disabilities. This is a special measure under the Employment Equity Initiative, and candidates from these groups who wish to qualify for preferential treatment must identify themselves as such. Description de l'emploi Si vous avez de l'ambition, du talent et de la motivation, pensez à une carrière prometteuse à Postes Canada. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un adjoint dans un bureau de poste en disponibilité qui adopte une approche axée sur le client lorsqu'il assure le service au comptoir pour la clientèle. Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidatures des personnes qui ne vivent pas dans la collectivité du bureau de poste pourraient être prises en considération au besoin. Responsabilités professionnelles vendre des produits et des services postaux aux entreprises et à la population; trier, distribuer et traiter correctement le courrier; fournir aux clients des renseignements et des formulaires; s'occuper des difficultés liées à la livraison et au service pour résoudre rapidement et complètement les problèmes. Responsabilités professionnelles (suite) Critères d’admissibilité Diplôme d'études secondaires ou équivalent provincial, ou expérience en administration des affaires Formation et/ou expérience liée à l'interaction avec le public dans la vente au détail et/ou le milieu du service, entre autres, la vente et les transactions en espèces Compréhension des systèmes de comptabilité ordinaires ou des bureaux de poste Forme physique suffisante pour soulever des conteneurs de courrier pesant jusqu'à 50 lb, pousser ou tirer des boîtes, trier le courrier et rester debout pendant de longues périodes Flexibilité afin d'être disponible pour des tâches temporaires en disponibilité Remarque : Le candidat idéal devrait habiter dans la collectivité en question. Les candidats qui habitent dans un rayon de 50 km du bureau de poste pourront être considérés selon la demande. Dans le cadre du processus de sélection les candidats choisis seront tenus de complété un processus d’enquête de sécurité Poste critique pour la sécurité Ce poste peut être considéré comme un poste critique pour la sécurité. Équité en matière d’emploi Postes Canada représentera la diversité du pays en plus d’offrir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et accueillant qui valorise et célèbre nos différences.  Nous souscrivons au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et invitons les femmes, les Autochtones, les personnes en situation de handicap et les membres des minorités visibles à soumettre leur candidature. Un handicap est défini comme étant un problème physique, un problème sensoriel ou un problème de santé mentale permanent ou épisodique ou une limitation fonctionnelle. Il comprend les problèmes de santé visibles et non visibles ou des limitations qui peuvent affecter la vue, l’ouïe, la mobilité, la flexibilité, la dextérité, la douleur, l’apprentissage, le développement, l’état mental ou psychologique, et la mémoire. Conflits d’intérêts La Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts interdit aux employés d’embaucher, de superviser ou d’avoir pour supérieur, directement ou indirectement selon l’échelle hiérarchique, des membres de leur famille immédiate ou toute personne de leur entourage proche. Si vous pensez que vous pourriez être en situation de conflit d’intérêts réel ou potentiel, vous devez communiquer avec le représentant désigné des Ressources humaines. Mesures d’adaptation Postes Canada s’engage à offrir un environnement de travail inclusif et sans obstacle, en commençant par le procédé d’embauche. Si Postes Canada communique avec vous à propos d’une possibilité d’emploi, veuillez nous informer si, en raison des restrictions, vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation.  Tous les renseignements reçus concernant les mesures d’adaptation demeureront confidentiels. Message important Votre candidature doit démontrer clairement la façon dont vous satisfaites aux exigences, puisque Postes Canada ne peut pas faire de suppositions quant à votre niveau d’études et à votre expérience. Nous remercions toutes les personnes ayant posé leur candidature. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes dont la candidature a été retenue. Nos comportements propres au leadership et valeurs de la Société : Prise de décisions – Champion de l’organisation qui prend des risques calculés et des décisions prudentes et logiques au sujet de questions actuelles, des occasions futures et des exigences en matière de ressources en temps opportun et de façon réfléchie, qui cadrent avec les intérêts supérieurs de la Société. Responsabilisation – Personne qui vise l’excellence en matière de rendement, qui assume les décisions et les mesures prises et tient les subalternes directs responsables, mais qui tire aussi des leçons de ses erreurs lorsque les résultats prévus ne sont pas atteints. Orientation commerciale – Personne proactive qui comprend la nature concurrentielle des activités de l’entreprise et qui s’engage à assurer la viabilité de l’entreprise grâce à un excellent service à la clientèle et à de nouvelles occasions d’affaires. Exécution – Personne motivée et ayant des objectifs qui agit avec un sentiment d’urgence et atteint ses objectifs à temps et selon le budget, en gérant efficacement les défis et les situations ambiguës. Direction des personnes – Excellent communicateur et chef qui incite l’engagement des autres, les motive et les inspire dans le but d’atteindre les résultats et qui encourage l’épanouissement personnel et la recherche de meilleures façons de faire les choses. Nos valeurs Nous sommes conscients que la diversité fait partie intégrante de ce que nous sommes en tant qu’entreprise, de la façon dont nous exerçons nos activités et de notre vision de l’avenir. Nous sommes convaincus qu’attirer, perfectionner et maintenir en poste une main-d’œuvre qui reflète la diversité du Canada est essentiel à notre succès parce qu’il s’agit d’une priorité pour toutes les collectivités et les clients que nous desservons. Les valeurs de Postes Canada reflètent les principes, les croyances et les aspirations qui guident notre comportement et façonnent notre culture. Sécurité – Nous nous engageons à assurer un environnement sain et sécuritaire pour toutes les parties intéressées. Clients – Nous servons les Canadiens avec fierté et passion. Respect – Nous nous traitons mutuellement avec équité et respect. Intégrité – Nous agissons de manière responsable et avec intégrité. Transformation – Nous innovons et nous nous transformons pour connaître du succès sur le marché.

  • L

    LGS, c’est avoir une carrière dans un environnement où vous êtes apprécié à votre juste valeur. C’est aussi une culture d’entreprise axée sur la diversité et l’inclusion, où nous accueillions tant les talents locaux qu’internationaux.Vous serez impliqué dans des projets de grande envergure qui font progresser les entreprises et améliorent la vie des gens. Vous serez aux premiers rangs pour collaborer à des transformations numériques à large déploiement dans le domaine public et privé. Avec LGS, les possibilités sont infinies. Nous sommes une entreprise locale, d’envergure internationale, propulsée par la puissance du capital intellectuel d’IBM.*Un contrat, ça vous dit ?**Pourquoi être pigiste pour LGS ?** Des mandats variés chez des clients diversifiés de grande envergure* Des missions qui sauront propulser votre carrière dans votre champ d’expertise, mais aussi qui vous permettront d’expérimenter de nouvelles technologies* Des conseillers en acquisition de talents dévoués et qui se soucient de vous* Un service d'accompagnement en mandat personnalisé* La possibilité de recevoir du coaching pré-entrevues*DESCRIPTION DU POSTE*Lieu : MontréalDate de début : 2024-05-07Date de fin : 2026-02-28Horaire de travail : 40 heures/semaineMode de travail : Hybride (2 jours en présentiel au bureau de Montréal et 3 jours en télétravail par semaine)Le conseiller en expérience citoyen élabore des stratégies, des orientations et des parcours citoyen visant à améliorer la qualité de service rendu aux citoyens, imagine l’expérience citoyen finale et collabore à son implantation. Il organise des activités de cocréation avec des représentants des citoyens qui font affaire avec l’organisation. Il analyse les comportements, les besoins, les attentes et les préférences des personnes de manière à faire vivre la meilleure expérience aux citoyens qui rentrent en relation avec l’organisation. Pour ce faire, il contribue à la création d’une expérience centrée sur la personne pour l’ensemble de l’organisation dans l’objectif d’accroître la satisfaction des citoyens.*Responsabilités** Bonifier l’offre du service rendu aux citoyens ;* Proposer en collaboration avec les directions concernées à la définition d’une vision de l’expérience citoyen ;* Concevoir et recommander des stratégies conformes à cette vision, dans le cadre d’une planification efficace ;* Analyser les produits, les processus et les instructions de travail à la lumière des commentaires directs et indirects des citoyens et apporter les améliorations requises ;* Collaborer à toutes les étapes des services rendus aux citoyens : sondage de satisfaction, accueil lors des activités, gestion des plaintes et des commentaires ;* Effectuer toutes autres tâches connexes.*Exigences et qualifications requises** Expérience en projets liés à l’expérience citoyen, ainsi qu’en segmentation et cartographie de parcours citoyen ;* Expérience en psychologie du consommateur et de la conception créative (design thinking) ;* Expérience dans les domaines de la gestion des changements de comportement, de la structuration organisationnelle, du développement organisationnel ou de l’amélioration des processus ;* Avoir travaillé dans au moins un projet d’envergure en mode agile ;* Expérience en assurance qualité (amélioration du service).\*La forme masculine est utilisée afin d’alléger le texte et en faciliter la lecture.@IBMJOBS #RODIl est possible que ce rôle implique que vous allez travailler avec une ou des technologies couvertes par des sanctions de la réglementation sur les exportations. Si vous n’êtes pas résident permanent canadien ou citoyen canadien, informez-vous auprès de votre conseiller en acquisition de talents.Type d'emploi : Temps plein, Pigiste / FreelanceAvantages :* Travail à domicileHoraires de travail :* Du Lundi au VendrediLieu du poste : Télétravail hybride à Montréal, QC H3A 3C6

  • L

    LGS, c’est avoir une carrière dans un environnement où vous êtes apprécié à votre juste valeur. C’est aussi une culture d’entreprise axée sur la diversité et l’inclusion, où nous accueillions tant les talents locaux qu’internationaux. Vous serez impliqué dans des projets de grande envergure qui font progresser les entreprises et améliorent la vie des gens. Vous serez aux premiers rangs pour collaborer à des transformations numériques à large déploiement dans le domaine public et privé. Avec LGS, les possibilités sont infinies. Nous sommes une entreprise locale, d’envergure internationale, propulsée par la puissance du capital intellectuel d’IBM. *Un contrat, ça vous dit ?* *Pourquoi être pigiste pour LGS ?* * Des mandats variés chez des clients diversifiés de grande envergure * Des missions qui sauront propulser votre carrière dans votre champ d’expertise, mais aussi qui vous permettront d’expérimenter de nouvelles technologies * Des conseillers en acquisition de talents dévoués et qui se soucient de vous * Un service d'accompagnement en mandat personnalisé * La possibilité de recevoir du coaching pré-entrevues *DESCRIPTION DU POSTE* Lieu : Montréal Date de début : 2024-05-07 Date de fin : 2026-02-28 Horaire de travail : 40 heures/semaine Mode de travail : Hybride (2 jours en présentiel au bureau de Montréal et 3 jours en télétravail par semaine) Le conseiller en expérience citoyen élabore des stratégies, des orientations et des parcours citoyen visant à améliorer la qualité de service rendu aux citoyens, imagine l’expérience citoyen finale et collabore à son implantation. Il organise des activités de cocréation avec des représentants des citoyens qui font affaire avec l’organisation. Il analyse les comportements, les besoins, les attentes et les préférences des personnes de manière à faire vivre la meilleure expérience aux citoyens qui rentrent en relation avec l’organisation. Pour ce faire, il contribue à la création d’une expérience centrée sur la personne pour l’ensemble de l’organisation dans l’objectif d’accroître la satisfaction des citoyens. *Responsabilités* * Bonifier l’offre du service rendu aux citoyens ; * Proposer en collaboration avec les directions concernées à la définition d’une vision de l’expérience citoyen ; * Concevoir et recommander des stratégies conformes à cette vision, dans le cadre d’une planification efficace ; * Analyser les produits, les processus et les instructions de travail à la lumière des commentaires directs et indirects des citoyens et apporter les améliorations requises ; * Collaborer à toutes les étapes des services rendus aux citoyens : sondage de satisfaction, accueil lors des activités, gestion des plaintes et des commentaires ; * Effectuer toutes autres tâches connexes. *Exigences et qualifications requises* * Expérience en projets liés à l’expérience citoyen, ainsi qu’en segmentation et cartographie de parcours citoyen ; * Expérience en psychologie du consommateur et de la conception créative (design thinking) ; * Expérience dans les domaines de la gestion des changements de comportement, de la structuration organisationnelle, du développement organisationnel ou de l’amélioration des processus ; * Avoir travaillé dans au moins un projet d’envergure en mode agile ; * Expérience en assurance qualité (amélioration du service). \*La forme masculine est utilisée afin d’alléger le texte et en faciliter la lecture. @IBMJOBS #ROD Il est possible que ce rôle implique que vous allez travailler avec une ou des technologies couvertes par des sanctions de la réglementation sur les exportations. Si vous n’êtes pas résident permanent canadien ou citoyen canadien, informez-vous auprès de votre conseiller en acquisition de talents. Type d'emploi : Temps plein, Pigiste / Freelance Avantages : * Travail à domicile Horaires de travail : * Du Lundi au Vendredi Lieu du poste : Télétravail hybride à Montréal, QC H3A 3C6

  • H

    **Work From Home Opportunity** Benefits Representative  

    - Central Okanagan and High Country (Revelstoke)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    **Work-From-Home** Benefits Representative  

    - Central Okanagan and High Country (Revelstoke)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Benefits Representative **Work From Home Opportunity**  

    - North Island, Sunshine Coast, and Southern Gulf Islands (Whistler)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Customer Representative (Insurance Benefits) - Full-Time Remote  

    - Central Okanagan and High Country (Revelstoke)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Benefits Representative **Work From Home Opportunity**  

    - North Island, Sunshine Coast, and Southern Gulf Islands (Whistler)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    **Work-From-Home** Benefits Representative  

    - South Okanagan (Summerland)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Benefits Representative **Work From Home Opportunity**  

    - West Kootenays (Rossland)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Benefits Representative **Work From Home Opportunity**  

    - Central Island (Chemainus)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

  • H

    **Work-From-Home** Benefits Representative  

    - West Kootenays (Rossland)

    Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked "Top 25 happiest places to work". Apply today and see what they're all about. Responsibilities: Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio Qualifications: Must have a passion for helping others Proven ability to work as a productive team member Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n Globe Life American Income Division (part of Globe Life, a NASDAQ traded company) is looking for Benefit Representatives to help manage growing client needs and help provide both new and existing clients with the best products and services available. This is an opportunity to get a foot in the door with a company unlike any other, with career mobility to mid and upper level management. A Benefit Representative helps families establish what company programs are the best fit for them. All of this is done while working from home over the phone and using tools like zoom video chats. This is a virtual position, and depending on your location there may be local offices open if you want to go in. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Why work for them? 1 word... CULTURE. I'm talking Instagram giveaways, Zoom happy hours, outrageous and funny virtual promotions and awards ceremonies. In fact it got them recognized as Forbes ranked \"Top 25 happiest places to work\". Apply today and see what they're all about. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Responsibilities: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Build trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication \n Schedule and attend virtual meetings using Zoom and other platforms \n Moniter, identify, and mitigate account-level risks and up-sell opportunities \n Align product and customer roadmaps, deliver customer renewals \n Present to families different benefits programs, enroll new clients, open new accounts \n Oversee and prioritize each customer in your portfolio \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Qualifications: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Must have a passion for helping others \n Proven ability to work as a productive team member \n Excellent communication and interpersonal skills \n Self-motivated team player, proficient in multi-tasking \n Proficient with computers and Zoom (preferred but not required) \n Ability to form and grow solid relationships with your client accounts \n Must be a US citizen or Canadian with work status, residency, or citizenship \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Managers are actively reviewing all incoming applications. Please apply with a most recent version of your resume (if you have one) and be on the lookout for text, phone call, or email from one of our hiring managers. \n \n \n\n"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">

For Employers
Contact Us
Astrid-Lindgren-Weg 12 38229 Salzgitter Germany